I think I did quite well to get Spook into this outfit before he started on the martini's. After the martini's, it was getting him out of the outfit that was the problem. I had some material from Mary, but when I dropped Meg off at her friends party tonight, her mother lent me this sari. I think Spook and I might have fared well in the days of The Raj. We had a lovely night and Shannon, with the wavy hair, was pretty chuffed -always a worry with a surprise party. NOt everyone's cup of tea. We left early to go and pick up Meg and then, of course, had to show her friend and parents how the sari had turned out. It hadn't stayed in this state for long. As we were arriving, a car was backing out of the drive and we thought it might be Shannon and Steve going out. So we dived into the bushes and I arrived at the party wearing running shorts, sports bra and carrying acres of orange chiffon. I have no idea how Indian woman keep their dignity and their sari's intact.
Finn and I had a great day down in Alex, where it cerainly wasn't Ice Cold. It was a magnificent day. Frosted ground but warm sunshine. The team played with gusto, but more loss's than wins. There was only one spare man between the two teams, and as the day went on, there were none spare as injury by injury, they dropped out. One broken bone, one sprain and one munted. Lot's of bruises, scrapes, blood and tears. None from the Ginga Ninja, I'm glad to say. I will post some photo's of the day tomorrow, as I feel that Spook and I's outfits may have outshone Finn's rugby shirt, for once.
grateful for:
green lentils and some curry powder.
Spook being there to keep an eye on the sewage system tomorrow, after my big pot of green lentils and curry powder.
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