Sunday 30 November 2008


Meg came home long enough for us to take this picture of Tall Megan, Hannah (Smithy) our Megan and Michaela.
Then she came out with us for dinner with the owner of this heroic wee car and other 2cv owners. The couple bought the car a month ago, but only picked it up last week. They were given a DVD of the 3 month trip from London to New Zealand it had completed in 2006. The lady said she might not have bought it if she'd seen where it had been. Nice story and nice Kiwi/French night.

Saturday 29 November 2008

Good News

These guys were good - clip in pedals and everything. But they still didn't beat our Spook. Thank goodness.

Friday 28 November 2008

The Camera Lies

One of these photos was from the start of the race and one at the very end. There was 4hrs and 40 minutes of sheer torture in between and a weary Spook. The torture involved 2 climbs of more than an hour each, crossing the highest public road in NZ - 1300m in the Nevis Valley.
On the plus side, we met his running pal Janet, and her husband Ollie (he was 40 minutes quicker) and exchanged numbers as he's keen to have a training buddy. Has to be better than last weeks training buddies.
Finn was eagerly awaiting his fathers arrival as we were not eating until he got there. Every cyclist over the hill he would say 'That's him'. He did this for over an hour. Eventually he said 'I have no father - I'm so ashamed'.
I exchanged numbers with one of my waitressing buddies from the Best of Xmas show, who did the race in 5hrs 10mins. She works in Rehabilitation and is interested in my background and possible work with people who have suffered brain injuries. Would have to be a great job to win me away from cleaning with Mary. Would the coffee be any good?

A Fine Week

We all had a good week. Meg actually had a wonderful one. Camp was loads of fun. One night under canvas and one in a bivouac she created herself. She was with her whole class and they cooked over a fire and made up plays, kayaked, swam, tramped and had a big adventure.
Spook had an excellent training week, coming in at 3am. This made for a very pleasant and relaxed day today, which included breakfast on the airport patio. He's having an evening of rest now, to prepare himself for the event tomorrow.
I've had a wonderful week of eventful cleaning, from a wee brown batch (holiday home), to a rambling farmstead with 7 large bedrooms + insuites, a lap pool, gym, outdoor pool and spa, tennis courts (didn't have to vacuum those, thank goodness), and lot's in between. Mary supplied Julia and I with coffee at crucial moments and we all had a really entertaining week.
Finn has enjoyed a balance of friendship and home and some very nice peace and quiet as an only child. This state continues, as despite being tired when she came home, and deciding not to go to Michaela's birthday sleepover tomorrow (why not have a birthday non-sleepover as a change?) she is now staying for 2 nights. The winning point from Michaela when we bumped into her and said she couldn't make it, was the promise of a tow round the lake in the float thing on the back of her Dad's boat. The choice between getting up early to go with us to Dad's event, or the boat, seemed to be quite an easy one for her. It was nice to see her anyway and we had a lovely wee trip down town for a milkshake sitting out in the sun and catching up.

Thursday 27 November 2008

Training Night 2

Hard day on the old vacuum cleaner today. Got a lot of satisfaction from turning the builders yard into a show home. Took me one and a half hours just to polish up the bathroom! We arrived yesterday to find about 20 men whizzing about the place doing last minute jobs on the landscaping. Mary has another employee called Juliette. She's a design student from Christchurch. Very pretty. We heard today that there was a near disaster when the digger drive nearly drove through the house trying to get a better look at her. There was a lot of modern day Builders Bum out there. Skinny young hips trying to hold onto trousers suspended on lower buttocks. No flesh, just a lot of pants. And not Calvin Klein iether. Don't think Juliette even noticed them.
Spook came home just in time for a shower and out for pre-dinner beer. I met lot's of the names I hear him speaking about, and dinner was on the Company. His immediate Boss, Steve, jumped out an aeroplane in his lunch break - they could see the wee figure falling through the air. $300 for 17 minutes. I got a years family tennis membership for less than that. I enjoyed a couple of drams and then brought my young and bored son home for bed. Spook still out training. Should do well in the apres race event on Saturday.

Wednesday 26 November 2008

Training Night

Spook came home from work and we had a quick coffee before heading over to pick up Finn from Sam's house. We met Shannon just going out the door for a night out, so we negotiated with her Husband Steve, to find Finn.
They are taking a year out from a hectic life working in New York and living an hour outside it. They arrived in July and are set to leave in June. Steve invited us in for a beer. Spook was just having a quick one as he was going to get some more serious cycling in. After 2 hours, 4 beers and lot's of laughter (another American couple had called in), we thought we should get Finn home and fed. At this point Finn was just disappearing into the hot tub, so we agreed to go home and feed ourselves and then come back to take Finn home. I went back for him and got talking again, while Finn played snooker and table tennis in the games room. I got him home at 9.50pm,. having meant to get him home at 6pm. Spook didn't do any cycling, but did rise to the challenge of showing the Americans that he thought it probably WAS possible to cycle up that hill that they said was impossible. Sam lives in this house No wonder Finn didn't want to come home.

Tuesday 25 November 2008

Bleedin' Finn

Weather cleared up and Meg all packed to go 'bush'.
I got Finn to buy two tickets for the school panto on Thursday at which I have volunteered to help with make-up, as a good way to get to know all his wee pals. I refused dinner with Pete and Boss-man Steve on account of this, and 2hrs of solid scrubbing earned enough money for the tickets - $15 each. I was out at an orientation evening tonight, for Finns year going to Mount Aspiring College and went along with his American pal See-am (Sam)'s Mum Shannon. She informs me that THEIR panto is not until the 11th of December. If I hadn't mentioned it to her, I would have painted 100 small faces from primary 3 and 4 and Spook would have sat through a whole performance by kids he's never heard of, and his work pals would be out having a lovely time without him. I'm not really sure where Finn would have been. He had said to me that he was a bit worried that he'd not seen the wee kids performances and didn't quite know how it was all going to fit together. Well's NOT going to fit together.
Spook has a cycling event on Saturday from Garston to Bannockburn through the Nevis Valley - a distance of 75km. It's called the Bannockburn Gutbuster. I assume it's in New Zealand.

Monday 24 November 2008

Trouble Ahead

We bought this 2nd board at a garage sale down the road, from a guy wearing a very serious looking neck brace. He assured us he hadn't fallen off the board. He fell during the Tour of Southland bike race, broke a few vertebrae and suffered a bit of swelling on his spine. No wonder he let the board go for £4. As long as they don't add it in as a discipline in a triathlon, there's still hope for Spook.

Knitting Skills Next

I was in big trouble with Finn tonight as twice I promised to buy wool and twice forgot. He needed it for school tomorrow, in the form of a long pleat, which will go together with everyone elses to make some kind of Maori 'thing'.
I reassured him that our neighbours would definately have some. He was surprised that I should choose Dr Suzy first, as he saw Coleen or Pat as more likely knitters. Suzy's partner, Whitney, is a Mountain Guide and Beech...well, skateboarding king of Wanaka. But I just thought, start at the top of the street and work our way down.
Whitney was in his shed and said no, he didn't knit. But........(result!)....Beech crochets!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Suzy appeared and said she'd go raid Beechs room. Whitney said they didn't know whether to be pleased or worried. It is not unusual to find a bunch of skateboarding teenagers sitting in the living room crocheting and discussing colours. And sure enough, pinned to Beechs bedroom wall, next to his extensive skateboard dude hat collection, was about 9 multi-coloured crochetted headbands. Finn's eyes were agog! It's enough to master the skateboard, build up the confidence to get down the park - but how on earth was he going to learn this new thing. He came home clutching a ball of white wool, with Suzy and I dragging over a long and far too high 'rail' for doing tricks and, Whitney carrying a ramp. Suzy said she'd see Finn in the plaster room at the surgery before too long. I suppose I'll need to rake through the dump for a crochet hook next.
Meg says things are calm at school and the hormonal wave is over. But a northerly flow has replaced it, sweeping humid subtropical air over us and giving us very heavy, rain with temperatures of about 65F. Must have been the change that caused all the girls to fall out. As long as the rain and the tempers are well cleared by Wednesday as Meg heads up Lake Hawea for 2 nights of camping and tramping.

Saturday 22 November 2008

That's Ma Boy!

Swam about 1km and really enjoyed it. A lady swimmer said that she had lost the cyclist member of her team for the Wanaka Challenge on the 17th January. She's asked someone else to do it, but if he says no, would Spook do it? He confidently said Yes, but came home and looked at the route. Would need to be out on the bike a LOT more often, for a lot longer. 112miles. Add in the Wanka Winds and........

Bleedin' Eck

You can't have about 20 friends, all part of different groups and not have fall outs eventually. Meg had been invited to another sleepover and with our encouragement chose not to go. She found out today, that she's in trouble for spending too much time with one group, not enough with another and a wee bit name calling seems to have gone on. We came home to find her tucked up in her bed with her computer in the middle of the day, for comfort. She said there had been a bit of a bust up in the street in front of the neighbours with different factions of the girls. I can only hope it doesn't reach the crime pages of The Messenger next week. So far the main crime has been drink driving, bust ups in the pub and a drive by shooting - with a paint ball gun.
We gave in to the sleep-over thing when her friend Megan, a girl we really liked from last weeks group, asked her to stay. She lives on the nearest thing to a croft we've found and we had a cuppa with her Mum and Dad. They knew that our Meg had had a bit of hassle and I think that's why their Meg had asked her out. Our Meg reckons she can handle it with some honesty about wanting to see everyone, but with Camp coming up this week and 2 days in the middle of nowhere, it would be good to get it resolved. OOOooooooooooo girls!
Spook came to The Aspiring Runners with me as he'd done a hard cycle ride in the morning and was tired. Ran with Mary and Janet and enjoyed the chat. I puffed and panted about 500 yards behind, but consoled myself it was good for him to meet some women. There are quite a lot of women in his life at home and I wouldn't want to be the only one here representing the female species. He really enjoyed it. Which is more than can be said for me as I collapsed at his feet at the end of the run. Turns out Mary used to be in the British Orienteering Team.
Spook pondering going for a swim in Lake tomorrow as he heard on the run that the less elite of the swimmers are meeting at 9am tomorrow. I wonder what excuse he'll come up with this time....

Friday 21 November 2008

Duck Poo

Finn's skateboarding was interrupted by these babes. Mummy duck did a big poo in the middle of his arena. It was ok though as he put Megs shoe on top of it so that he wouldn't skate over it.

Art Therapy

So I came home and found a wee flower in the garden that grows wild at home and drew it and now I feel fine.
Steve, Spooks Boss is apparently taking us all out for dinner next week. I suspect he's been told to check up on The Wife.

Thursday 20 November 2008

Dammit, I need that job!!!

Went on an introductory course to Art Therapy today, got home sick and cried. Everyone legged it out the door before they had to try putting any new found skill into action!! Now I have a whole new species to avoid up the High Street as well as the Travel Agents.
Spook met an unusually open Kiwi who said that he'd brought his family to Wanaka for a better life, away from the Cities and the North Island. He asked Spook 'If I asked you out for a pint, would you come? And do you think we could chat about all sorts of things? And would that be satisfying enough for you - I mean, you wouldn't need to come round for coffee, or anything?'
Spook laughed and said yes, of course. The man said that his wife desperately looked for meaningful friendships with other woman immediately and when it didn't happen she became very unhappy. He was so busy working and building their dream house, he never noticed. She went back to the city and left him with the three children!
And Pete tells him of several stories when people gave up everything in Britain and went home after two weeks!!!! And it was always THE WOMEN.
Welcome to Paradise. For men.

Stepford Wife Life Over

Ah well, just as I adjust to tennis in the morning and a virtuous life of volunteering at garden parties (served up tea in the neighbours garden to a visiting group of enthusiasts from Perth - not the Scottish one), it is coming to an end with the promise of hard graft next week. I also waitressed at the local 'Best of Xmas concert' tonight and the caterer makes a donation to the school. Met a lady who moved here from New York in July. I know her son is in Finns class because he insists on calling him See-am. We were sharing notes on the mild trauma of living with the reality of decisions we made voluntarily, and exchanged numbers. She was disappointed that I would be working all next week - just as I find someone I could meet for coffee. (Great coffee shops and no-one for a good blether). Serving up mince pies on a balmy, beautiful evening, is all wrong. And some guy on stage singing 'Mistletoe and Wine'. Honest to goodness!!!
Spook had his first tough day at work with Counsellors arriving and things not going to plan. Had to draw upon his 10 years experience to smooth (and clear) the waters and Pete (who offered him the job in March), really got to see why he's hired him!! A good friendship has developed there, I think.
Meg came home from school via the supermarket, having bought herself a savoury bun so that she wouldn't have to eat last nights catch.
Finn telling me about life in the playground where no-one tells tales. He said two girls skooshed him in the eye with water when he came out the class. He cornered them in the cloakroom and got them back. And when a girl has the ball, it's really easy to get it off her as you just run at her, growling, and she squeals and drops it. But then she's just as likely to slap him on the face with her flip-flop! He says it's great - he would never have got past the first skoosh without someone clyping. This is good living, by his way of it.

Wednesday 19 November 2008

Not this Week

Spook was a wee tad late home from work tonight. Just enough to take the edge of his enthusiasm for racing. So now we have just enough time to get him on a low fat diet before next week.
He and the children went fishing instead. Meg knows how to dress for the occasion. Finn still thinks skimming stones and fishing are complementary sports. They came home with a 3lb Brown Trout.

Tuesday 18 November 2008

Racers Edge

Spook called in to the above named shop the other day and firmly established that the serious boys meet at 6pm Wednesday nights. The man he spoke to would make our leanest Fort William cyclists look obese. There is a loose plan that he will get home sharp tonight so that he can join them...................unless he can find some poo-ee excuse not to. He may just feel a little worse about this than I did over the tennis lessons.

Join the Club

Margaret and I had great fun playing tennis this morning. Well matched but she had the edge on me as she's a good badiminton player. The children both wanted to go tonight so we dragged Spook along and joined the club - £100 for the year. We can play anytime there's a court free and Finn checked out that we could even play at midnight. I showed Spook what I could do and he took great pleasure in using a few shinty maneouvres against me, to great effect. One or two more lessons required and then I'll sort the smug Highlander out. Megs hand/eye co-ordination has definitley improved and her baseball swipe lessened. She's a noisy player, like her mother, with lot's of squealing, and really enjoys it.
Checked out flight prices home and will book something by the end of the week. (I'm coming home towards the end of January for two weeks to catch up with family - can't wait). 3 travel agents, all friendly people. I found my self darting sneakily between them to get comparative prices. Two are straight across the road from each other, so I told the first girl that I would need to check prices across the road too. She said (her sons in Meg's class), bring the quote back to me and I'll see if I can match it. And when the really nice girl across the road who happened to be called Megan, offered me a better deal I'm embarrassed to say that I went home and changed my clothes so that she wouldn't recognise me when I took her quote back to the first girl. Ran sweating back down the road and dived into the first shop, left her a copy to ponder and raced back up the road in time to get Finns skateboard to school for his lesson.
 An elaborate display which demonstrates that I just need a job.

Monday 17 November 2008


The children have become very close since coming here.

New Pancake Maker

As a working mum, I'll be expecting even more help around the place.

Queen Clean

Decided to start the week with a better attitude. Did a little light housework and was out on the run to Mt Iron by 9.20am. Didn't feel any better than it did before, but that's running for you - it's the aftermath that feels great - scones and coffee!
However, no time for that as the lovely ladies at the job agency invited me to take on another cleaning job (3rd days work in 6 weeks, I really felt I had to say yes). So shower, pancake, banana, water, picked up the time sheet on the bike and was at the job (just out of town) within 30 mins of call. Immediately hit it off with the woman who has her own cleaning company, and had called the agency in desperation to get help today. She had already decided that if she didn't like what they sent THIS time, she was sending me straight back. Before I'd even started cleaning she'd offered me a job, working with her until mid January. I cautioned that she might want to see the results of my efforts. We identified with each other on a lot of levels - helped that we are the same age and have a similar out look.. Both of us as interested in each other and lot's to say. Decided that it was not the job, but who you work with that makes life good sometimes, and agreed to take it on. After seeing my superb cleaning prowess, she asked me if I'd be willing to supervise a team, eventually.  Accepts that I need to be flexible over the holidays. She has 13 and 15 yr old children so understands. See! I CAN do it.
Topped off with Finn and I's tennis lessons tonight and my ladies are a great group. Margaret and I arranged to have a wee practice game tomorrow. Got to get that serve sorted.
Spook out cycling with Pete, the man who offered him the job in the first place, back in February.
Finn got invite to a football party on Saturday, he and a pal the only 2 boys invited! Interesting.
Everyone happy.

Saturday 15 November 2008

Friday's visit to the recycling Centre (Dump)

The job I can't have.

Michaela and Meg working out.

Ruby Island

Best way to deal with noisy teenagers is to join them. We had a really pleasant night sitting round the table sharing girl talk. I miss Megs friends from home, so this was nice. The men folk came home from their fishing trip well after dark with tales of spooky places and no fish. Apart from a Crocodile Dundee character who waved a couple of large trout in their faces. They tried to go where he had been, but suffered an attack of the sand flies and had to beat a retreat. The fishing is not going well, but they had a great wee adventure. They joined us round the table and Finn got in on a round of Chinese Whispers. The idea for this stemmed from an incident last Thursday when Kate's dad got shot in the leg by a nail gun and by the end of the day he'd been shot in the head by a rifle and was dead. Kate was sitting round the table with us and thought it was funny - now.

Dragged everybody out of bed this morning to go on a trip to clean up Ruby Island. I'd read it in The Messenger and thought it would be a nice family thing to do and wouldn't cost any money. Everyone was up for it and we deposited all the extra girls at their respective homes. It was dull and a bit damp, but not cold. It turned out to be a gardening trip which they do regularly to maintain the island with it's native species and root out all the aliens. Finn and Meg were fine for about half an hour as they had large cutting implements. Finn enjoyed cutting off the heads of everything within his reach, but did not like being directed into jaggy places for specific items. Meg kept telling him off for cutting things in an indiscriminate manner. Spook strimmed the island for 3 hours and I stayed well out of his way, pulling out Lupins and avoiding his eye. It was a long time before we got the promised sausage sizzle as payment. Finn found a sheltered spot out of the wind and Meg pulled her hood over her eyes in that 'don't talk to me' way that teenagers do.
Spook said it was the most community minded thing he's had to do since the Scouts. Finn and Meg have never stayed in Cubs or Brownies long enough to do anything community minded. Half of Fort William have come out and put the No Fuss tent up and down in a voluntary capacity, so I'm sure they'll be glad to know that Spook did his bit on the island. It's a tiny and pretty place, but it has to be said, we probably wont be back as volunteers (children and Spook ARE still talking to me, but only just,) and we don't actually have a boat, so should be able to stay clear.
Spook can choose next weeks family activity.

Friday 14 November 2008

Tick tock

Sitting listening to the wonderful sound of the clock. Meg has just gone back to the lake with todays choice of friends. One has been taken away by her mother as, after two nights with Meg, she is now a little tired. So a new group arrived this evening for tea. One I now know well, and the other two I've never seen or heard off before today. There would seem to be a never ending supply of 13yr old girls here. This particular group are very noisy.
Finns social life continues to be quite quiet. He loves the social life at school, but doesn't seem to seek further friendship out of school. It was very breezy down the shore today so whilst Megs group turned up, there was no-one there that Finn knew. His group planned the trip in the heat of Friday, and Finn only went today as I went with him (after our little tennis game). Despite it being too cold for Finns friends, he swam and then melted into his bedroom in a sweaty mess, to emerge some time later with a blistered finger. He couldn't work out how it had happened until we'd explored all options and came up with a friction burn from rubbing the screen on his Nintendo DS too hard! He only wants to see Thomas out of school, but a few more friends might save the pads on his fingers.
Spook and he have gone fishing now and...........oh god, I can hear the girls coming back already. They're probably only half way up the street, but I can hear them.
I cycled round the loch to meet the Aspiring runners. Fantastic 20 minute cycle along the lakeside track, past patches of turquoise water and amazing houses. Mary (Forfar) turned up because she'd said she would, despite having a sore head, so that was sweet of her. We ran together (2 x 54yr old men today). She's 40 and arrived a year ago so we shared a lot of those 1st experiences. My feelings were tainted by my rasping lungs and aching legs, but Mary didn't seem to notice. It was just a wee 45 min jog for her. She exchanged numbers with me and seemed very genuine in her wish to meet up again.
(Meg has just confessed to me that she's tired. Putting a very brave face on it, but needing me to step in with a curfew reasonably early - it's going to be fun getting them all up and out so that the Munro family can go and help clean up Ruby Island tomorrow - one of the Aspiring Runners told me it was a good day out and a great way to meet people.)


Frazer, our good buddy, called Spook on Skype last night. It was nice to see him. I felt quite fond and asked him if he missed me.
'God, no!...I read your blog - I feel like I'm living with you!'.
So maybe I need to get out more and have less of the domestic stuff.  But it's a really ordinary life. Except that it's hot. Finn came home in melt down from school. 29 degrees - and headed straight to join friends at the lake. Meg was in the lake after school yesterday. And Finn is going back at mid-day tomorrow. Problem is, that might be ALL they do. Meg scowled her way through golf and declared she wasn't going back. (none of her friends there). Neither went to football as it was too hot. Instead of wanting a lift because it's cold and wet, they want a lift because it's hot.
I made lovely date scones and no-one ate them because it was too hot and they don't like dates (so I ate them.)
Met a Scottish lady at the golf who's lived here for a year and they plan to commute to their farm in Forfar once a year. Her husband has gone home for 3 months to get the summer work done and then stays here the rest of the year. She goes home for 3 weeks in October.
 Anyway, she's going to the Aspiring Runners tomorrow, so I might give it another shot - unless it's too hot.

Thursday 13 November 2008

An inch and a Half

Wow! Bought a skirt in Queenstown last night as it's warming up here and I have a very limited warm weather wardrobe. Skirts are just for that occasional hot weather period that occurs at home. Here, it's a necessity for comfort. I was twirling around in front of the mirror in the new skirt and could see changes, no matter what way I looked. Pounced on the tape measure in the kitchen drawer to discover that the changes stemmed from an inch and a half extra round my waist! Bleedin' eck! That's all those pancakes, scones and one run up Mt Iron. I've perfected the making of them, but not how to resist them. It's a pity you don't burn calories typing on a keyboard. And I haven't really started on all the coffee and cakes that I was planning. 6 weeks in, I may have to redress the balance a little. A wee bit more running, a tad more cycling, and THEN the coffee and cakes............or maybe a bigger sized skirt.

Wednesday 12 November 2008

Looking Good

As Finns confidence grows, we feel he just looks better and better. We are very proud of him.


Spook got paid today, so I celebrated by having a coffee when I was in town. Chatted with a man called James Rees whose great, great, great grandfather founded(?) Queenstown. Good (sad) story about his ggg granny being the only survivor of a family of 12 who had travelled on the boat from Fife. She did this by throwing away her corset while the other female members of the family died from rupturing themselves due to vomiting in a restricting garment. With the corset discarded, she may have been more vulnerable, as she was pregnant by the ships captain by the time they docked. Captain Rees.
So when we went over the Crown Range to Queenstown this afternoon and Finn said 'Who's the big bronze guy with the bronze sheep?' I said, 'oh, that's Captain Rees - I had coffee with his great great great grandson this morning - here's his card'.

Enjoyed the Riding for The Disabled today, and met lot's of people I liked. Horses were nice too and so was the weather.
The neighbours that we met the first day we looked at the house, are very kind. Coleen has invited me to play bowls with her, allowed me to raid her vegetable garden for silver beet - surprisingly good and not silver at all, and Stu has invited me along to his walking group. And Pat reminded me that I promised to help Daphne serve aftenoon tea to the gardening group on the 28th.  I am happily missing out on any invites that are out of my comfort zone!!!
Notice when we got home, that the empty house next door is now occupied. We are no longer the newest folk on the block.

Monday 10 November 2008

Poo with a View

No wonder Spook comes home with a smile on his face every day. It is hard to imagine there is a Poo Works anywhere in the world in a more beautiful setting than this one! He always thought that of Fort William, but this is magnificent. Photographs don't do it justice.
We had to go out there to get his car as I've to drive with him in convoy to Queenstown tomorrow, to return the hire vehicle and come back in his current works one. We went out as the evening sun was setting and the moon out. The site is on a wide plain dotted with Poplar trees and a ring of mountains, some rounded, some jagged, some snow-capped and all beautiful. This helped to draw the eye away from the less savoury contents of the works! Breath-taking. (and I don't mean the smell). I just wanted to stare and soak it all up. (The view).
I then drove my first proper drive in New Zealand, back to Wanaka. Most cars here are automatic. It's like being chauffer driven and very pleasant. I went to the garage where you key in how much you want in $'s and it stops when you've got it. Handy. And for interests sake, I got 12 litres for $20. (divide by somewhere between 2.5 and 2.8 for the equivalent in sterling).

(Morning Nana, morning Granny.)

Wobbly Day

So, I've spent 5 weeks forcing my son to sign up for tennis lessons, football and skateboarding. Insisting that he'll never get on if he doesn't take a deep breath and get on with it. He has been a little resistant but is building up his confidence. It was great when he got on his skateboard with Thomas at the skateboard park on Saturday. He said there was no way he was getting on the board, so I carried it to the park and said I was going to do it. As we approached the park and he could see there was no-one else there, he took the board off me and he and Thomas had fun - well matched - skooting around the place. We left them to it and wandered home, but unfortunately they were two minutes behind us as Finn had hit a chucky stone and fell off, splitting his scabby knee. Thomas said it looked as if someone had been murdered at the park, so they legged it.
Today, I was faced with my own tennis lesson. I remembered the 4 confident players who cursed my arrival last week, splitting up their neat number and missing all the shots. They definitely stayed back for a game after the lesson to have a game once I'd gone. I just knew they had. I trailed my racquet and my heels along the road, 3 mins late and a bit sniffley. I've got friends at home, I don't bloody want new ones!
All the ladies arrived late, and looking slightly nervous. All asking how the last week had gone, had anyone practised (only me), trying to remember what we'd been taught last week, and not a one of them seemed to know each other outside of the lesson. They had definitely not stayed on last week to discuss my terrible performance. We all encouraged and cheered each other through the lesson and it was really good fun.
Then I went to a meeting for a new Riding For the Disabled group that has started up, to discuss plans for the first group coming on Wednesday. I had nothing of particular value to say, but just being there was at least an insight into the folk running it and how unsure of themselves they all are.
So the wobbly day has solidified a bit.

Sunday 9 November 2008

Hired Help

Now that I've had to work for 2 days and am a little tired, I've recruited the children to help with the housework. Actually they recruited themselves when they heard that Thomas, his twin sister Hannah and big brother Robbie all get $10 a week for doing chores. It was not possible for Spook or I to wash the dishes as Meg had a schedule drawn up and stuck to the fridge within the hour and we weren't on it. Finn washed and Meg dried and put away. Not content with this, Finn cleaned the toilet and the bath and Meg did the sink. Meg cleared the surfaces in the livingroom and instructed us in how to keep them clear. I'm a bit worried our wages will be taken off us and Meg will give us, $10 a week.
(Finn did say, privately, that he wouldn't like to have to clean the toilet everyday -  Likewise, Sweetie)

It rained just like Scotland today, only slightly warmer.

Saturday 8 November 2008

Without the Manolo Blahniks

Barrie Cradshaw reports from down under - without the sex, the fashion sense or the friends.

Beasties in the Bed

I think I could probably give Aggie, from 'How Clean is Your House?' , a run for her money. There were 3 of us and we only had two self catering units to do. I dealt with upstairs, while my really nice colleagues dealt with downstairs. (In the same hotel we'd stayed in when we first arrived). I just had to put fresh sheets on and then re-make with the same quilts etc. I came upon an unsavoury stain up at the head end, so I nipped downstairs to get some advice.
"What do you do if you find a wee slever?" said I
Qizzical look from the ladies
"Squash it??"

True answer was to gie it a wee dicht wae a damp clout. I am not staying THERE again.

Spook took posession of his new (2nd hand) road bike this evening and the next stage of triathlondom begins.

Friday 7 November 2008

The Office

I've decided, after vacuming a tennis court and digging all day, that I like this office best. I'm trying to recoup my strength for the 'Housekeeping' tomorrow.

This is Spooks office.
Meg is at a party and not coming home until tomorrow. Finn has Thomas staying over for the weekend.

Thursday 6 November 2008

Spreading the Cheer

I finally persuaded myself to go for a run up Mt Iron today. I like the fact that it's called Mt, as it sounds impressive even if it only took me 33mins from home to summit. While I was up there with some very happy Americans (Obama became the first black President of America), a biplane flew over and we could see flying helmets and goggles. The passenger give us a big wave and everyone cheered and waved back (This was Ralf's Tiger Moth 'buzzer.)I had a wee flash back to the end of a Drew's Challenge cycling weekend when we were stopped by the steam train at the level crossing just before the pub. We were in a group with Big Sam Mountain Man who scoffed at us as we all waved at the train. He claimed we were embarrasing him and looked like idiots. As the last carriage passed I glanced over at Sam, who was waving, with a big goofy smile on his face. He glanced back and had the grace to look sheepish. Softie.

My lovely young girl from the Job Agency offered me work 'housekeeping' on Saturday. That means I have to race through the rooms, making perfect beds that no-one can get in or out of and leaving not a speck of dust anywhere. I can do that!....Can't I? And while I was there, I picked up a job tomorrow morning wheel-barrowing sand around for a gentleman on the posh side of town. Also getting an application form for support work with elderly living at home, and for hours that will suit me.
 Got to get through the housekeeping first.

Wednesday 5 November 2008

Poop may still Pop up

This is a picture of the childrens first day at school.
The problem with the poop, is not a lack of - though thanks so much for your kind offer, Mel. The poop was flowing, and they were waiting for it to arrive. However, it didn't arrive. It has to have gone SOMEWHERE but they don't know where. Waiting for news of a volcanic type eruption from someones lavvie pan.

Bad Day

  • It was 5 degrees, snowing and blowing a hoolie
  • Spook hasn't really geared up with winter clothes for the high plain
  • He lost quite a lot of poop and doesn't know where it's gone - he said it wasn't his fault

Tuesday 4 November 2008


Have been a bit worried about Spook being lonely up at his poop outpost. One by one, the contractors are leaving as the poo begins to flow. Yesterday he noticed a quad bike with a flashing light making it's way over the plain, towards him. It was Ralf, the airport manager - a man in his late 60's, who had just taken a wander over to see how things were going. He had his walkie talkie firmly in hand. Spook asked him what he used it for and he said 'To keep an eye on them, Mate. Soon as I turn my back on them, they like to buzz me and scare the heck outta me - that one up there in the Tiger Moths the worst one!' as a wee plane passes by overhead.
Nice to know there will be SOME entertainment.

Good day

  • I had an interview of sorts (for a job in February)
  • Finn went to the skateboard park
  • Meg had a friend home for tea
  • Finn phoned and invited Thomas to sleepover this weekend
  • We got invited to a wedding at the end of January
  • Spook bought a road bike (yesterday)
  • I got an e-mail from my Mum

Monday 3 November 2008

Pat's Poppies

A Taste of my own Medicine

I found Spook sleeping on my new squooshy pillow (that I'd bought specially,) the other night and caused him some distress by wheeching it unceremoniously from beneath his head. He really should know better.
I tried to make amends today, by going to buy him his own one. It's a lovely shop, 5 mins down the road, with nice smells and nice things. I squeezed the pillows at the back of the shop until I was sure I had the right one. Then, lightly clutching it to my stomach, strolled towards the front of the shop. There was only one couple in the shop, and the man moved over towards the door. The lady, with her head down, kept quite close to me. I was only just aware of this, but then the man asked me, in a slightly anxious voice 'Are you going to buy that?' I smiled brightly and said yes. It was clear he didn't know what to do next. The lady then confessed that the owner had nipped out to help her 91yr old friend cross the road and had asked them to look after the shop, or at least make sure no one stole anything. The minute I walked in, they had panicked and I suspect that, in their minds eye, I looked like a gangster. I laughed and laughed as I realised he was getting ready to rugby tackle me if I dashed for the door. The owner came back in and the holiday makers melted out the door in relief. I thought it was refreshing that the owner hadn't expected the couple to fill their bags and run for it.
I remember so well, the scent of the hunt from my short-lived career as a store detective - my bottom sticking out of a display of clothes one side, and my eyes peeping out the other watching my prey, a.k.a. innocent passer-by, so I wasn't offended.


The lesson actually happened this time. Finn and Meg both went and I ran around being ball girl. There were 5 children in the lesson and they all laughed and enjoyed themselves. Especially Meg, who demonstrated a lack of breeding by giggling quietly after whacking the coach in a tender area with her return of the ball. Didn't quite knock him over.
I had hoped that there would be enough people there for them to find tennis partners, but I could see it wasn't quite going to happen, so realised I would have to follow through with my plan to take lessons myself. No point in them hitting great shots and me not being able to return them. So I went back at 6pm. A chance to make friends, I suppose, and there was always the added incentive of the handsome coach. There were 4 very nice ladies there, who had had 3 lessons already, so I had a private session to catch up. A  nice young assistant coach put me through my paces, showing me the techniques, breaking it down for me. Very blooming specific, but I did see that the shots worked, if you did exactly as he said. He kept linking up more and more bits of information - feet position, body, wrist, angle of racquet, following through to the finish position. I thought my brain was going to erupt, especially with trying to keep the smile on my face. He told me I was a natural and that I must have played before. I giggled and blushed.  I assured him I had barely played at all, but had been pretty keen at the time of Bjorn Borg. A flicker of vague recognition at the name, crossed his young face. I was getting quite confident as he put the balls over the net, in my direction. Front hand AND back hand - very nice. So then he took me back to the coach and 4 ladies who were playing a game of doubles with Cool Coach helping to keep the ball in play. My young man told them I was pretty good. DISASTER. Never, ever SAY that!!!  Every ball that came my way, missed my racquet as I flailed my arms around and louped around the court competely ignoring everything I'd just been taught, and feeling quite similar to how I had last night, trying to swat the big angry blue bottle in our bedroom - quite dizzy actually. It was SO much nicer when the balls were being popped over in my direction. I felt sorry for my crestfallen young aide, and I didn't get invited to play on with the nice ladies, after the lesson was finished.
6 lessons to go.

Sunday 2 November 2008

The Triathlete (before)

Just for a wee moment, the children thought this was their father swimming by. Then they remembered, he was the guy lying on the beach, drinking the beer.

Let's be clear. This behaviour will be a thing of the past as soon as I get a schedule and diet worked out.

Saturday 1 November 2008

The House

Finn is checking the temperature gauge which is attached to that post. That's outside our bedroom window so we can confirm that it really is 3 degrees when we get up in the morning. It's about 18 degrees at this point. Meg has the balcony and Finn's over the other side, upstairs.
I went to find the aspiring runners today who turned out to be 3 men aged 54, 64 and 66 respectively. They assured me that there was often a bigger variety of ages, and men and women. However, they still ran me off my feet over about 10k along the Clutha river bank. I did get some vital information for the future training of Spook as a triathlete. The name of a woman who trains triathletes who can't swim, how to swim!  And the time and place the triathletes gather for their training run. Spook has two years to transform. So if I can make the effort............
Spook and Finn went fishing, but couldn't find a place where their lines didn't blow back in their faces and when Finn got bored and started skimming stones where Spook was fishing, the game was a bogey!
Meg came home in time to freshen up before going to a party.