Sunday, 1 November 2009

I'll call their Bluff.

(from Spook)
I did my first NZ hill race today at Bluff ,the most southerly point in the South Island.It was 12km with 350m of ascent.It reminded me of the Ben Lora hill race.Bluff is a bit like Mallaig on steriods,very run down fishing town but also with the added attraction of an aluminuim smelter-sweeeet as -my butt.The hill race on the other hand was spectacular with immense sea views all the way to antartica ,it was flat calm a nice wee hill and some real native jungle.One of the best events I have done in NZ !!!! I finished 7 or 8 th overall so am well chuffed.
We cycled a loop round Invers with the competitors of the Tour of Southland which starts to morrow with a team time trial in Invers ,it then goes out to Bluff and David has organised me a trip with one of the support crews in the team truck which should be very interesting.
It has been great staying at David and Nickis and the girls have been really good fun to be with.
DEAR SPOOK, it is great to hear of life way down there at the bottom of NZ. Could you be further away? Would you be further away in Antartica, or closer? Anyway, no worries. After a stressful day at work, feeling awful about being away from the children again, I think the other members of staff are probably having wagers about how long I will last. I don't understand why they don't pay extra for weekends as they might find staff actually turn up in the hope of making an extra buck. I have such a list of things to point out on my last day. NOt that I wanted the extra money - I would much rather have been home.
Your son wrestled with the cat last night and forgot he has an allergy. He got a cat hair in is eye and after torturing Meg and I for some time, we decided to go to A&E as his eye was swelling up and very red. He put on a patch (courtesy of Emirates Airlines) and half way to the hospital he said it was out so we went home and gave him an anti-histamine.
Today he got an invite to Kiers and walked the 2 miles (can't remember who's house he left his bike at). It was raining and when he walked past Griegs house he could see him sitting watching TV. He jumped up and down and shouted but it must have been a good programme as he went unnoticed. He carried on to Keirs. When the programme ended, Grieg phoned Finn. Meg told him he was at Kiers. Just as Finn arrived at Kiers house, soaked to the knickers and socks, Greig arrived in his chauffer driven limosine and hopped out wearing a t-shirt. Lovely and dry.
Meg was outside with Alice when I got home. They were wearing overalls and jumping up and down in puddles and mud. The went all over the croft looking for the biggest puddles they could find.
I needn't have worried about them as they seem very well adjusted to the abandonment. Tonight we had dinner at Frazer and Aileen's which was really good - even though Drew insisted we say Grace first. In fact we all had to hold hands when we said it.
When we were home, we found plenty of time to do lot's of chatting and both your children are very well. Meg is keen for extra tuition and we have found a potential tutor. This idea is making her very happy. For this reason, I will blow the odds out of the water at The Hotel.

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