DEAR SPOOK, someone took exception to my blog profile photo - this is pretty much how she sees it. I think I may have to look for a new one.
It was a bleak November day today. There was a wee bit of sunshine out to the South, so I snapped it. And speaking of Snap, here is the offending wee cat, minus the hair that went into Finn's eye.
It was good to speak to you tonight. The trip in the support car sounds a blast. I'm sure Floyd Landers was pleased to have a chat with you as you hung out the window and he toiled up the hill on his bike. I don't think he would be pleased to hear you call him 'portly'. The 4o cyclist crash must have been very dramatic. You just need to worm your way into the support car at Le Tour de France now.
I'm glad you like Invercargill so much. It does kind of get talked about as if it is the scurge of the South. Lovely, and charming, are not words I have heard credited to it before. Take it easy on that trip back up to Wanaka.
It was good to have a day off today, but it disappeared very quickly. Shopping etc and picking up Finn's fixed laptop. It took 5 phone calls and a return journey to get the wireless thingy going again. I had kind of moved on from the 'how to set up your computer' stage. I don't have enough memory in my personal hard drive to store that kind of info, so had dispensed with it some time ago. I don't have any space for 'how to fix the Freeview' iether, so there is a dark place in the corner of the living room. (and quite a lot of dark space in my mind).
I'm going to surprise them all by turning up to work tomorrow. I'm going to try really hard not to complain about anything. People just get on with things, don't they. I should try that approach.
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