Monday, 10 August 2009

The Things you have to do when Desperate Housewives is Finished

I had an unexpected day off today, so read up on a few things I had been thinking about and caught up on some e-mails. Was very good and didn't lift the great easy-reading book of the weekend. Maggie phoned and we had a game of tennis in the afternoon. The first in a long time, and it took us a while to remember, that if we do what the lovely coach told us, it does work. It was fun and good to know that the lessons have given us the capacity to have a fun game, albeit outwith the lines and with more bounces than are usually allowed. It is easier to play in cooler temperatures. It could happily be a winter game here, with the dry climate.
Meg is struggling a bit with the reality of a job and had to be reminded that she has had Saturday, Sunday and Monday evening off. In reality, she has done nothing since she came home at 3.30pm and so is as well earning money on the days she goes straight to work and coming home to her tea on the table - no dishes to wash, or packed lunches to make. When she got it back in perspective, she remembered that she likes her work when she is there. Quite a few of her friends have jobs in New World, packing grocery bags after school until 8pm, or making pizza's from 5 until 10pm. One friend, who has now left (because they couldn't afford to stay!) worked in a cafe from after school until 10pm about 3 or 4 times a week. There are more 14yr olds working in this town than you would believe. I suspect that Meg's work is already very slow for the winter and that Cathy will lessen her hours anyway. I would rather that, than Meg quitting. She had said she was saving for a horse. It would be a shock to go to school, work and then have to come home to sort out the horse! Some great reality checks going on here.
John comes home to our house after school most days, and a lot at the weekend, so Finn has decided he's going to make some money by charging for his care, and use of his x-box.
grateful for:
Monday nights in.
A husband who loves mashed tatties and butter for his tea.

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