Friday, 21 August 2009

Finnot Noir - Superb!!

Despite snowboarding today, I feel you have had enough pictures of snow and that I should post a photo of the reason for the late blog - Pinot Noir. I usually pick Finn up from Sam's house on a Friday and get home late, often abandoning Spook as I only nipped down for 5 minutes. Tonight, I sent Spook down and it took 3 bottles of Pinot Noir. Steve and Shannon have promised him some shelter for those nights when the tent starts to feel a little like hardship. Again, I am glad that I am leaving Spook behind for a while so that we are not really saying goodbye to The Turner family. They are going back to America for Christmas and if they can squeeze Spook in, they may drop him off at the airport just to make sure he gets there. I'm not sure that this much comfort, nor indeed fine Pinot Noir, was part of the bargain.

Meg is tired from a full week of work after school. She and I both have a full day of work tomorrow. I still think her day will be a little more pleasant than mine.

Finn had to take his homework to school today. He had to show he could fix a puncture. He had his dad give him a lesson on Wednesday night. John turned up on the way to school with a large roll of coloured paper in his bag. He saw Finn with the bicycle tyre he was planning to take to school and all but scoffed 'everyone will have one of those'. Finn came home with top marks, having aptly demonstrated the removal of the tube and what to do once you had removed it and how to put it back together again. John and Sam got very good marks too, but not the top marks. Sam's dad, Steve, said 'all you really need is a map of how to get to the bike shop, son - that's where I usually take it', but knew that wouldn't be good enough, so had to figure out how to fix a puncture himself, so that he could teach his son. Sam and John are usually the top mark kids, so it was a triumphant Finn that I met at Sams house tonight. All present were kind enought to join him in his celebration.

The snowboarding has improved, despite me falling on the link road on the way to the main slopes. What had been lovely soft snow had become sugar on top and rock solid beneath. My knees took a nasty bang when I tripped over my board and we both spent the rest of the day making sure we didn't fall over, as it was pretty unforgiving. The boarding itself was fun, if it wasn't for the fear factor.

grateful for:

spontaneous nights out.

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