Monday, 31 August 2009

Kind today, but not tomorrow.

It is just as well Finn really enjoyed his ski day today as he wasn't going to be getting a season pass for Nevis Range if he didn't. I was worried that he might think snowboarding was only a fairweather sport. Most fields were shut, but Cardrona remained stubbornly open and Finn was up there from 7.30am to 3.30pm with only an hour in the cafe at lunch. The wind howled, visibility was very poor and it was cold. He had a great day, which shows how important the social side is. Down at our level, it rained heavily and hailed stones and was bleak.
It is the first day of spring. It is also 'Random Act of Kindness' day. This was started in 2005 by a guy called Josh who was in a traffic jam in Auckland when he saw an act of road rage and thought what a nicer place it would be if people could be kind to each other. So a group of them got together and campaigned for a day of kindness. So here it is. Mary has done very well as she brought us morning coffee and took my car to the garage and filled it up with fuel. I took Maggie a wee farewell gift, but it wasn't really a random act, so that might not count. Other than that I haven't been particularly kind.
Spooks work colleague, Murray, has caught Sarsha's skin disease. Apparently it is all over Wanaka. Spooks boss came into work, heard about it, washed his hands three times and went home again. We think Sarsha caught it from carrying copious amounts of dirty sheets and towels and Murray probably caught it from a bar stool (the doctor suggested this.)
grateful for:
not having the skin disease
not having the sick lamb which The Turners are nursing as they will all have the skin disease by the morning.

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