Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Vacu-us Vacuuming

Whilst carrying out todays vacuuming duties ( a new build), I outlined the novel I'm going to write. It started as a short story, but there was quite a lot of carpet, so it became a novel, then a movie and I was just working out who might play the lead role, when the bag was full and a horrendous alarm pierced the air and I nearly wet myself. I told Mary the plan and she asked if she could write the magazine article about how awful I was to work with. I said she could choose whether to be with me on the red carpet or speaking to my lawyer. There IS something to be said for menial tasks and how they can free up the mind.
Meg came home and told me that Finn had spent the whole athletics day alone. (Max is not allowed to go to school, play x-box, or think....until Monday). Add this to his teacher telling me last night at a meeting that he had been really lively and funny the first week at school and is now very quiet, I have spent the evening in a state of anxiety. I gently quizzed Finn at bedtime and he tells me of a happy and contented life, and then Meg came in and quizzed him on how he must be really sad because he has no friends!! Finn couldn't think what she was talking about. Meg is quite good in a crisis, but short of a real one, may strum one up. At least, I hope that's it. Will stay tuned anyway.
Rob and Stacy (last years No Fuss Kiwi winners) called by for a drink tonight. It was great to see them and we laughed a lot. They met the Scottish girls and have invited them to stay with them on Friday before the race they have come over to do, and Stacy demanded to know if the people charged with their care after the race, were hospitable enough. We'll all be doing the race and the promised maximum temperature of 12 degrees is only pleasing the Northerm Hemisphere contingent.

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