Monday, 16 February 2009

Mega Opportunity

Of course I went to Meg's meeting! I phoned Margaret to let her know I wouldn't be there again and was heartened to hear that they have missed me and are hoping I'll make a game with them on Friday.
Meg's meeting was a revelation. There was an initial meeting at the school where they acknowledged they hadn't known of Meg's dyslexia and were all interested. They admired the steps she has put in place so far and will simply make themselves available and approachable to find out what her needs will be and keep the door open for me to meet with them. A good start. The private tuition assessment highlighted very quickly, the areas Meg would need to work on, but the lady noticed a deterioration in Meg's eyes over the time she was being assessed. After quite a lot of questions, she sent us away with a leaflet and website to test Meg for Irlen syndrome. She suspects Meg has that on top of her dyslexia, which further complicates it, but can be overcome and ultimately healed by the wearing of glasses with the right colour of lenses. She gave us a list of things to do and will give Meg a proper assessment for this next week. I was shocked at how far Meg is behind in her English grammer and relieved that we have this back-up, which will liase with her own teacher and give her a fighting chance. Worth missing a tennis lesson for.
I was back cleaning the big house with the 7 bathrooms all day today and the lap pool was looking very enticing after endless vacuuming. Was quite shocked to find the garage stocked with a huge 4 wheel drive Porcshe and a convertable Ferrari. These are just holiday cars for a house that is visited for short visits about 5 times a year.
No cleaning tomorrow, so going to go up Mt Roy with my American acquaintance (we haven't quite had time to become friends yet, but we'll know by the time we get up and down the mountain). She is See-am's mum and lives in the very lovely Wanaka Lake House.

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