It is noticebly darker every morning. The sun began to light up the clouds at 7.30am this morning.
The rain came on about 10.30am and was fairly torrential, but wjen the sun came out, it was really warm. It's dark around 8.30pm and closing in more every night.
My tomatoes are rippening quickly now, but don't taste particularly interesting! But they are bought and paid for, so there will be none from the shops until mine are all gone - and they are plentiful.
The childrens parents night is tomorrow. Both of them say they really like their class group, which warms the cockles and mussels of my over-strained heart. Finn has the same teacher, Johanna, as Meg had last year. He feels that she keeps a wee eye out for him. He is mostly taught by her in The Home Room, as he is in intermediate school. He has another teacher called Mr Hose, who he says is from Raasay! I think I need to enquire about that - surely he means Rothesay? Meg has Miss Bradley for PE and Health. She is Pete's wife, who took us rafting, and is English. She is cool - must go with the name! (Finn had a lovely Miss Bradley in Fort William for a week and got really excited about learning for the first time).
Finn is going to register for Rugby training tomorrow. It's time he applied his excellent hand/eye coordination to a sport (he took up juggling at home yesterday, via the internet, and although is showing a natural ability, I hesitate to call it sport). And he may as well try one which the Kiwis are quite good at.
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