Sunday, 8 March 2009

Home Sweet Home.

Two wee home-sick children tonight. Meg has been feeling it for the week, and Finn just got thinking about it when he heard Meg upset. They are missing everything and everyone, but particularly the cats. It must have been Angus that cat from the movie. And the poignant thing about the movie is that the Dad wants them all to move to NZ and none of them want to go, so he comes home and they all stay in England. Meg says all her Kiwi friends want to go to Eastbourne now.
Spook and I managed to have quite a nice weekend despite the stress of our sad off-spring. I had a really good hour of tennis with Maggie - we had a well matched game and actually managed some pretty good returns. Spook had a good cycle. Finn went to The Big Bounce (indoor bouncing) and Meg said goodbye to Kate from Dunedin.
Then Spook and I went to gather wood together with neighbour Kate, and Tony and had a lovely time in warm sunshine, with a wee beer to polish it off. When a spot of rain came along it got a bit cold and I noticed a dusting of fresh snow on the peaks above the lake.
I've told the children that come the last day of the ski season, we will be exactly a year since we arrived. Then we will be in our last year and so we need to make a list of all the things we want to do while we are here as now we have three quarters of our time left. This worked quite well. I expect feelings to change regularly, but I would bring the children home after 2 years if that remained very important to them, rather than staying on until the following February, which is a possibility with our visas and Spooks work.

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