Friday, 20 March 2009

Right....That's IT!!!!

Poor wee Finn went to bed thinking he never had to row a boat again and would spend winter learning hockey, and would be nipping over to Queenstown on Saturday morning to get his much longed for, and saved for, Lord of The Rings x-box game, no strings attached.
He awoke to a full on assault of how I was a bad mum for not making him keep committments, so he had to row on Saturday, would not be going any where NEAR Queenstown if he didn't, and we would be finding out if it wasn't too late to register for Rugby. He tried a slight wobbly lip, caught the look of determination on my face, said he would do the rowing, was pleased about the rugby and gave me a big hug. We wrote to the rowing club to say he would be there, but may not continue after Saturday, and had phoned and secured a late registration for rugby by 8.10am. He then secured a committment from me that we would go to Queenstown TONIGHT. Done deal, and he went to school happy.

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