Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Looks Like Rain

There was a bit of a cloud in the sky this morning, but it turned out ok. See view of Mount Burke from back door this evening. (Sticky woods in foreground). Spook has finally reached his goal of 4 days off. He's allowed a wee rest before tackling the wood pile.
Actually, he's planning a 50km cycle with me or a run up Mt Roy if it's windy (with me). So bang goes my frittering the day away in the library and reading the paper.
We went out for an iced chocolate drink after tea tonight to help Meg see that some things are not too bad over here.
Finn still has a couple of nights away and we have no idea how it's going. I assume we would have heard something if the flounder spear had gone into anything other than a flounder (broom handle with barbeque double pronged fork strapped to it - courtesy of a rake through the dump).

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