Saturday, 28 March 2009

The Perfect Mail Box

So this is where your bank cards go and your pin numbers and every thing. If you go on holiday, you CAN ask them to hold your mail. I'm sure they have a very good Neighbourhood Watch.

Finn and Thomas rowed as a duo this morning in a bit of a swell. It was a struggle to not tip over, but not as bad as Finns personal struggle with needing a pee!

We watched the documentary of The Perfect Woman. We saw Finn stroll by in the background, and caught sight of Spook, Meg and Dan Morgan, who was visiting at the time. We got the low-down on the history. Started as a pub promotion and then became a charity to raise money for a cancer treatment. When asked how he responded to the people who said it was sexist, he said that it started when a friend who owned a holiday castle in Scotland said he only hired Kiwi girls to work for him. He didn't know any other people who could scrub floors in the morning and then polish up and smile at the customers at night. It made him think that Kiwi girls were the perfect women. I remember back more than 20 years ago, and sure enough, it was Kiwi's who were the extra labour force in The Highlands, not Polish people.

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