Sunday, 13 September 2009

Warm wind, brings thunder and rain.

It was very warm and windy. Mary says that the warm north westerlies always put her in a bad mood. Spook says that the men at the garage were complaining about them too. I reckon we get pretty excited about warm winds at home. Usually walk around saying "Wow - feel how warm that is!!" Mary couldn't believe we don't get them all the time.
Spook ran up Mt Roy and said it was so windy he was worried the camera would whip out his hands. When he got to the top, he had to hold onto the pole up there. He zoomed in on this part of town (presumably not from the top) as our house is to the right of the road and next to the park.
Mary and I had a good day at work, planning the next stage of our lives. We both have 20 acres at home, but of a very different nature. She is on a propagation course and has oodles of sunshine available. I am going to send her my spare copy of Self-Sufficiency. I am lazy and have lot's of rain. That doesn't mean I can't change and apply myself to making some things grow. I'll give her a few years to get set up and then I'll come back and see what she's got and then she can come and see what I have achieved. Her father had Mcleod as his middle name, from some way back in his past, so she will need to come and find about a wee bit of her history. I started to get more excited about coming home. Maybe, with Spook only doing one job, we will be able to try out some crofting.
Finn did finally put some things into a bag to get an idea of how much stuff he wants to get home. Someone is coming to look at my road bike tomorrow, so it would be quite handy if he buys it. Little by little, we will get there. With about 20 Subaru's for sale just now as the skiers all start to leave town, it will not be so easy to get rid of.
grateful for:
Spook cooking the tea and sorting out lot's of business - I did most of it at the other end, but he is doing better on this side of the world.

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