Another lovely day in Paradise. But I spent a great deal of the night lying awake remembering that the lack of good weather in Scotland does not make for a lack of adventure. You just have to work a wee bit harder for you fun. Sometimes the adventure is in laughing at what you have to overcome. I think that might be what bonds those who live in tougher climates. Here, I just have to sit outside drinking my coffee to think I'm having fun. So that's not really fun, is it?
Chris came round with Victoria and Jack for dinner. Jack is in Finn's year and the 4 children all got on great and left us in peace and quiet. Chris isn't looking for any rent for the bed in his shed, but Spook will pay rent and enjoy having a space to leave things and not have to cart his life around in the back of the Ute. Chris did The Coast to Coast event in March and hasn't done much training since, so is keen to hook up for a couple of events with Spook. He's just got back into swimming, so hopefully Spook will get a couple of lessons and see if he can do better than when he had to run through the water just to complete the swimming section of the wee tri he did last year.
Chris does big cycle loops over the Crown Range and back up the low road through the Kawarau Gorge and past Cromwell - about 130k, so Spook will be in good hands. No point in staying behind if he's not going to apply himself.
I have got 3 weeks left to look like I have been doing a years training. Hmm.
Good luck to all those Ben Racers. I'm sorry not to be doing it, but I would have a hard time racing my ass up a hill just now. We may go skiing tomorrow instead of up Mt Roy if the weather and snow stays as good as it has. Meg is the only one who has to work tomorrow. We have made poor Sarsha go into work on her own, so she is going to make her boyfriend come in and make beds and polish and LUX, so that she can recover in time for our night out.
I wonder how long Meg and Victoria will be content with a friday night in front of the computer. The writing is on the wall there, I think!
grateful for:
the nice wee church youth club who's party the girls are going to tomorrow night so that they don't have to stay in front of the computer. Hope it isn't a cult.
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