Sunday, 31 May 2009

Pins and Needles.

The day was mild and a little sunny. Tonight is cold and crisp and smells of snowy mountains.
Spook, Finn and I went to the 2nd hand ski sale and got Finn a jacket and fleece and some wrist guards for iether Spook or I. Meg and Smithy went and got an earing shot through the upper regions of one ear each!! They said they could hear bone crunching when it was done.
We called in to see Rob and Stacey et Famille who are up for the weekend. Finn stayed and went for a cycle with the kids, and the girls came home with us. We had a really pleasant afternoon of glueing and sticking and sewing. Finn may look like he's put on a bit of wieght, but has just sewn himself a cushion out of a t-shirt that is too small. Hannah sewed the pink rabbit and Meg forged the other and declared it to be the devils spawn. I am more impressed with it than her and love it. It was amazing how absorbed they were - especially Smithy who talks more and faster than anyone I know, but who silently created all day and was completely at peace.
Spook is supposed to be off for 4 days now, but is going in tomorrow to clean out a tank. An unpleasant job, but it's to be done.
That damned cat is definately not pregnant and that nice wee house up the road has been rented out to someone else. The children are disappointed on both counts.
I am grateful for:
my husband (he just told me to say that),
golden fingered children, and for Smithy being a very easy teenager to shelter,
time - I didn't realise how nice it is to have so much of it.

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