Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Bottled Youth.

Tonights webcam pictures were taken at 5.45pm at the poo factory. The inversion lifted around 2pm today.

I started a 'builder's clean' today. Mary sent me in ahead of her as she had other business to do. Her dream is for me to fall in love with Wanaka and be her slave for ever. It amazes me that there seems to be a regular supply of expensive houses for sale, which are still selling. This one had 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 2 living areas, 2 kitchens and between the doors and patio doors, there were 8!. That's a lot to remember to lock. Although, there are still many unlocked doors in Wanaka. Apparently they get locked when the bad snowboarders arrive in town.

As part of my new life as a pioneer, I bought $11 hair die. This saved me $84, compared with my last hair colour. Meg got the gloves on and applied it. I was a bit shocked to see it turn the colour of dark chocolate, but thankfully it washed out to a 'dark blonde' surprisingly like the colour from my 20's. That is all that looks like my 20's mind you.

Finn is reading a book with his class at school about the plight of Polish, Jewish children. I have never had him retell a story so clearly. He has been gripped and shocked at there plight. I heard from Mary (Forfar), whose daughter is in the same class, that some children have been a bit traumatised. It was a 'no holds barred' story. Very vivid. He is not traumatised, but taken aback. And annoyed. (This was the word he used to describe his feelings about the boy who shopped them to the Nazis at the end of the story.)

Grateful for......

not having chocolate coloured hair,

wholegrain, jumbo porridge oats,

dry, cool weather.

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