Sunday, 3 May 2009

Late Autumn Sunshine.

The last 2 mornings have been very cool, with grey low clouds, but we could see sunshine round the edges, and sure enough, the days have been gorgeous. Finn went dirt jumping with John - prefering their own unofficial ones to the expensive, purpose built park. Between the park and the skatepark, the doctors are kept very busy. In a group of young teenagers in town, today, I noticed 2 with their arms in plaster. Finn has a rugby mate with 2 arms in plaster. Spook and I went for a run around Sticky woods and then into town on the bikes with Meg. We got her snowboard boots, so managed to spend more than $12. Then we persuaded her to come cycling in the woods with us, and with nice boots under her arm, she couldn't refuse. She is very competent on the bike, despite loud protests and scoots downhill like a pro. Unlike her mother.

Finn went fishing on Lake Hawea with John and we could see he didn't particularly want to go, but we ignored that and sent him anyway. He said it was fine, but he would rather have built more dirt jumps and come into town to stare at the snowboard he's getting. Johns mother said the lake was like glass, and we know oursleves how beautiful Lake Hawea is without being told. Finn is unmoved by such beauty now!

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