Friday, 5 June 2009

S'no Good.

We can see Treble Cone ski fields from the end of the drive and there are twinkly lights up there at night as the staff work overtime to get it ready. It looks very christmasy! We checked that we have all we need now, as they are expecting a great season, with the best base layer for 10 years. Finns a go, anyway. (not going to open until the 26th June no matter what the snow does).

I've had 2 days of cleaning at Heritage Park on my own (this will be my bread and butter for the winter). Wouldn't want to make a career out of it. But then again, Spook is going in early tomorrow as the tank needs cleaned already. Not a word of complaint, but a wee sinking of the shoulders. He will work through until Wednesday when he is off and can organise himself for his trip to Canada. Will be a bit weird having him fly off and leave us on the this side of the world.

Meg and I went for a fast walk by the lakeside tonight. We started just before 5pm and enjoyed the slow fading light and the beautiful reflexions on the lake. Even though this is in town, there are only a few big houses, (many of them empty holiday houses), lot's of bush and we only met a couple of cyclists. We watched the lights appear on Treble Cone and felt the cool night creep in. It was really quiet, and we took detours to explore the wee sandy bays along the way. This town is so empty. I like that.

Finn has rugby against the Maniototo boys tomorrow, so we have a 2 hr drive to get there. These boys ran circles round them last time, but with the team looking so good last week, we are hoping for a different story. Maniototo is in hill country called St Bathans. The boys are mostly farm bred and pig hunters - used to wrestling with far slippier things than their fellow boy. True Southern Men in the making.

grateful for

hand cream to combat cleaning fluids.

Red wine.

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