DEAR SPOOK, I know we have seen lot's of photos of you lounging around Rabbit Island, but Robbi sent me this one today in case I was missing the sight of you. I tried elongating it to see how tall I could get you. She said that the group of Pacific Islanders in the background were watching the boys tossing the caber (pine trunk) which is not part of their culture, so they were being entertained.
I'm so glad you and Hugh made it off the boat. Sticking to beer was a wise move. Great that the rain cleared up and the weather was glorious. So now you are off to Dundedin to say goodbye to Pete and family, and David and family. It must be quite a sad week for you with so many goodbyes.
But cheer up. Unbeknown to you, you have sold a wee bit of the Common Grazing to build a new care home. This is of double benefit as you can now afford to buy that ring I know you have always wanted to get me, and there will be somewhere within wheelable distance for Meg and Finn to take us when they think the time is right.
They were looking for some reassurance the other night. Finn wanted to know if it would still be alright for him to stay here when he is 36. Meg just wanted to know that we wouldn't change her bedroom into a dressing room the minute she left it. I think she has been scarred by what happened to my brothers youngest son. We were all standing there when he came up from is new flat and discovered he was never getting back.
They continue to take my shifts in their stride and I wish I would stop all the nervous anticipation and take each day as it comes - the kind of laid back attitude I was determined to adopt from Kiwiland and lost within the first week. I have a short day shift tomorrow and then we are all going to the local pantomine. Both children have friends to go with, so I will no doubt be sitting alone. I don't miss you when it comes to the local amateur dramatics, as let's face it honey, you were not going to be there. Sad that your 6 major productions a year in Primary school made you allergic to such events. I'm looking forward to it.
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