DEAR SPOOK, frosty morning. I trust it was sunny for your bbq last night? You are back off my radar again.
The local panto was full of talented young folk, but it lacked more adults to pull it together. Some great dancers. Finn was very positive about it. He still loves the brightness and colour and it all happening for real in front of him.
Meg went off on a sleepover afterwards and Finn has come home with me to read my emails, advise on the blog and generally make a nuisance of himself. He just offered to 'pimp up' my face book for a £5 fee!
It is weird to have you say that you will see me NEXT weekend. My brother was on the phone saying how bizarre it seems too. All your friends are very excited about your return. Having earned myself a reputation as a very understanding wife by driving you straight from the airport to a boys weekend, I am now spoiling the effect by making it clear to them that this is the only concession and that by the time you get through my list, they will not be seeing you again until NEXT Christmas.
Get thee to thy next social engagement honey, your not done yet.
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