The photos are the bridge over the Clutha on the back road to Luggate. This is part of a great road cycle loop from Wanaka.
The other is Finn at the x-country, courtesy of Anne, as Spook and I went cycling instead of watching!!! He was 19th out of quite a lot, and did a reasonable time, and enjoyed it.(this was last Thursday).
It was a glorious day and really warm. There is a bit of a rush on now to try and fit in a few things before we go. There's the dancing tomorrow morning for a start. I'm not sure if I will be able to secure a photo of any worth, but you never know. Maggie phoned today in a panic to see if we can drive somewhere I haven't been, for lunch. She is going to the North Island for a month as her daughter is getting married and she will be gone by next Thursday. We are thinking about Makarora, further up Lake Wanaka.
We cleaners are going to have a night out before Sarsha leaves and are planning a night at the Hawea Motor Inn getting down to The Eagles Tribute Band. It's Sarsha's partners night out too, and with a courtesy bus home, it could be fun.
I have to go up Mt Roy on the 4th of September, in sympathy with Lochaber runners, as they will be going up the Ben on The 5th. Spook is hoping to go up on the 5th. I had a limbering up session with Shannon today when I called by and she invited me to join her in a yoga session in her bathroom - ample room, lovely light, and handy if I need a pee. It was 50mins of torture, but did explain Shannons abs and how one doesn't need a multi-gym to do weight training. You just use your own body. Her body is substantially lighter than mine so I was at a distinct disadvantage. Exactly what I should be doing regulary. Shannon will come up the hill with me as we are also running out of time and it seems a long time since we went up there, early in our friendship. I will probably post another picture of her, in a Lochaber running shirt and hope that everyone thinks it's me.
gateful for:
a warm spring that will effectively be our summer.
Megs lovely moist banana cake that she rattled out before tea.
the warm wishes of the warm people that we have finally got to know.
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