Did about 5hrs of cleaning. Mary and I had a big catch up, as we hadn't had much of a chance to gossip for ages. Pretty much all the issues had been covered in Shortland St (Kiwi Casualty), thankfully, so I was able to give lot's of tried and tested advice. Mary doesn't have time to watch, so it's good that I take 30 mins of my time, 5 days a week in order to keep abreast of current issues.
Spook phoned to say that the journey to Dunedin was terrific and the cycling in Naseby pretty good. Unfortunately the Forestry office was shut and the lady in the shop wouldn't give him a map as she had fallen out with the forestry, so he had to find his own way around! He said that the cycling was like the kind of ground at Moray. It was in a forest planted in 1900. I think he said it was called the Black Forest, but I don't think it had cherries or whipped cream. I last heard of him as he was in a pub crawl on his way to the rugby, and Meg, who had the misfortune to have my mobile, last heard of him when he was crawling from the pub.
Meg had to shut up shop herself tonight, as Cathy went to help with Amnesty International Week for the last hour of business. Then Meg went snowboarding up at the Snow Park with Izzy and her family. She is just home now at 10pm and did 10 runs. she said it was great fun. It costs $20 each and there are lots of jumps. Very quiet and Meg did a 180degrees turn - not that she meant to. She went sledging as well and has been invited to join them every Friday if she wants. Think we should all give it a try!
Finn has John staying as his mum and dad are in christchurch. Meg has the day off tomorrow and they will all be home alone as I have to work. The boys can walk Johns dog and Meg can catch up with some sleep and friends. Spook will appear home sometime.
grateful for:
spicy hot schoc chocolate that Meg brings home in a big red kettle.
boys that went off to read in bed!
daughter that has gone off to read in bed.
warm bed waiting for me.
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