It is just as well Finn really enjoyed his ski day today as he wasn't going to be getting a season pass for Nevis Range if he didn't. I was worried that he might think snowboarding was only a fairweather sport. Most fields were shut, but Cardrona remained stubbornly open and Finn was up there from 7.30am to 3.30pm with only an hour in the cafe at lunch. The wind howled, visibility was very poor and it was cold. He had a great day, which shows how important the social side is. Down at our level, it rained heavily and hailed stones and was bleak.
Monday, 31 August 2009
Kind today, but not tomorrow.
It is just as well Finn really enjoyed his ski day today as he wasn't going to be getting a season pass for Nevis Range if he didn't. I was worried that he might think snowboarding was only a fairweather sport. Most fields were shut, but Cardrona remained stubbornly open and Finn was up there from 7.30am to 3.30pm with only an hour in the cafe at lunch. The wind howled, visibility was very poor and it was cold. He had a great day, which shows how important the social side is. Down at our level, it rained heavily and hailed stones and was bleak.
Cleaning Diva
Spook had a nice day for his one day off in 11, if a little blowy. This is the back road that leads to Hawea on his favourite loop. Note the shed/house on the right. Not as pretty as the one that Meg's friend moved into today. I was too late to give them a hand so I went round to their old house and did an hour and a half of very efficient cleaning. I am a changed woman!! Celia is the kind of woman you want to help because you know very quickly that she has a big capacity for friendship.
Finn has got himself all organised for his school snowboarding day tomorrow. He has to be on the school bus at 6.50am. Lesson in the morning and playing in the afternoon . NOt sure if the weather is going to hold for him, so fingers crossed. Meg's day is Thursday. Early nights for us all this week.
30 days till we leave and it is going to be very sad.
grateful for:
all the people who offer Spook a roof over his head. (not that he is allowed to take them up on their offers as he would be too comfy)
Sunday, 30 August 2009
The Storm??
Rain, rain, rain. Who said this country was dry? We heard the storm was finally coming in around lunch time. What it was, was a Scottish, blustery day. With heavy rain.
I worked from 8 - 12 noon and Spook had a long and messy day at the factory. He ended his day with a run and a nice wee ray of light. He reckoned he must have seen 100 rabbits, which makes it 100rph.
Meg and I went to Video EAsy to see if we could get a copy of Thelma and Louise. Somebody had already taken it out - we were victims of the rainy day.
I took Anne out for coffee this afternoon to thank her for the invite to Lake Ohau even though we hadn't been able to go. Funny thing is that it was the only ski field open in the South Island.
Spook has made a list of some of the things we need to try and do before his family heads home. Cinema Paradiso is high on the list, so we might go and see The Reader this week. Pizza and a dip at the Oakridge Spa pools. And I want a wee trip to walk along the beach at Bruce's Bay, 2hrs up the road. I haven't seen enough of the magnificent Kiwi surf and the drift wood.
grateful for;
the chance to acclimatise before coming home!!
Friday, 28 August 2009
Thelma and Louise.
Thursday, 27 August 2009
Clean Bill of Health
It rained plenty last night and today. The sun didn't appear until about 4pm - very late for hereabouts.
I had a great nights sleep and felt much better. I picked Sarsha up for work and our conversation would have sounded odd to a bystander.
Mo "I feel much better today, how about you Sarsha?"
Sarsha "I'm still stuffed"
Mo "Really? That's great! I thought it was just my age. Last night, everything ached from my neck, shoulders, back, knees and even my elbows."
Sarsha "Your elbows ache? That's great! I thought my skin ailment had progressed into my bones!"
Mo (as we pull up to our next target) "I'm so pleased you're knackered"
Sarsha (as we walk happily into the next target) "I'm stoked about your elbows."
And then we had a great day - we were so relieved to know that we were not old/terminally ill, and that our ailments were all cleaning related, that we worked with gusto and enthusiasm. It did help that we were working with a builder who's tradesmen are always friendly and chatty. Their Kiwi reserve has lifted now and we felt more like part of a team, rather than the 'wifie's who clean'.
Spook had a long and messy day, so didn't want to come down for the wee pre-drink at Shannon and Steve's before we went to watch Kerry and her team win the basketball final. It was a sociable evening, but Spook was happy to stay home and speak to Uncle D on the phone. Meg stayed at Shannons to keep an eye on Will, their youngest and Finn supported the basketball.
grateful for:
enjoying work.
that Friday night feeling.
Google earth could be forgiven for thinking Lake Wanaka had an Orange Haired Monster.
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
Heading West
It rained all night and a loch appeared on the reserve (park) next door. So definately good for the ducks. There are a lot of ducks in Wanaka, but we don't usually see lots of them on this side of town. When you drive along the shore front, you often have to stop and let Mr and Mrs cross the road. There were many lovely couples taking the air yesterday afternoon when I drove home, safe from the hunters that must come shopping in town and feel their trigger fingers twitching as the tourist in front stops to let the ducks cross.
Monday, 24 August 2009
1st Position.
Mary's natural Kiwi reserve, does not do posing for camera's!! She was far more fluid on the dance floor, while Sarsha and I pounded off in all the wrong directions. It was good fun. We thought we would be all limbered up for work, but we had to drag our sorry butts around our duties, and couldn't be sure how much the rain was dragging us down, or if it was our over-worked limbs. I have a very sore wrist and a lump has appeared just below my hand. I'm thinking it is arthritis and doesn't like the damp - I'm not sure if I am suited to wet climates. It was ok yesterday. Too much cleaning is the other theory.
The cyclone that was earlier predicted is thinking about coming along and ruining our trip to Lake Ohau. It looks like it may arrive at the weekend. With 6 boys in tow, I don't think we want to get housebound up there. Not that it would be any better with 6 girls. Anne is trying to find out if she can re-schedule for a couple of weeks time. Spook still wouldn't be able to go and Meg and I might not get that day off, so it's a shame after all this great weather and telling you all how it nearly never rains out here. It has continued to rain most of the day. Maggie and I are going to 'do' lunch tomorrow as I can get a half day off, but probably wont head out of town if it is still wet. It will probably be my last chance to meet up with her before she heads off. Then we will have to wait until she and Mike get to Scotland.
I can see Spook checking out cabins and sleep-outs as the rain batters on the roof.
grateful for:
the bedrooms being warmer now so that the children actually leave the room now and then. I daresay it is all been good practice for living in a caravan again.
Namaste, Kimo-sabe.

Saturday, 22 August 2009
Kiwi Cutting Edge.
I worked today and Spook took the kids up to Cardrona. It was fairly quiet and great conditions. The ice had disappeared under a layer of fresh snow, and it was warm. Spook took a photo of the machine that makes the half pipe. It is Kiwi designed and built and is the only one in the world. The competitors at last weeks Burton Snowboard open, declared it to be the best half-pipe on the planet. That included the opinion of American, Sean White who is allegedly the best snowboarder on the planet. He is othewise known as The Flying Tomato, on account of his flaming red hair. There were some awesome stunts being performed today. Winter Games NZ are on this week. It is the biggest snowsport event outside the Winter Olympics, featuring more than 800 of the globes elite athletes competing in 26 disciplines. Skiers, snowboarders, curlers, skaters and ice hockey players amongst others. The Games will allow all athletes - whether able-bodied or have a disability - to compete together, in alpine skiing and cross-country events. If I get a chance later in the week, I hope to go up and have a look.
Spook will not be going as he is now on for 12 days to cover for Murray's holiday. Just as well it's pretty up there. He wont be able to come to Lake Ohau with us next weekend, even though it should have been his weekend off. Meg, Finn and I will go up with Anne and John to help them celebrate her other son Elliot's 14th birthday. It is up in The Mckenzie High Country, where she has use of a house for the weekend. Meg has still to secure the day off, and will possibly be sorry if she gets it, as there will be 6 boys on the trip - and there is nothing she finds more annoying these days than boys. We will hire ski's and possibly ski for the two days, or do some walking. It will be good to squeeze an extra adventure in.
grateful for:
28.5hrs of cleaning that will pay for my ski hire and passes at Lake Ohau. It is more cleaning than is healthy for any individual, but good to have the hours - it will fade away pretty fast now.
my Ozzie colleague Sarsha, for working so hard and never ever complaining.
A quiet night in with The Munro's.
Risotto Blotto.
grateful for:
spontaneous nights out - oh, I said that last night too.
Meg and Finn wanting to stay out and party as much as we did - very harmonious.
Friday, 21 August 2009
Finnot Noir - Superb!!
Despite snowboarding today, I feel you have had enough pictures of snow and that I should post a photo of the reason for the late blog - Pinot Noir. I usually pick Finn up from Sam's house on a Friday and get home late, often abandoning Spook as I only nipped down for 5 minutes. Tonight, I sent Spook down and it took 3 bottles of Pinot Noir. Steve and Shannon have promised him some shelter for those nights when the tent starts to feel a little like hardship. Again, I am glad that I am leaving Spook behind for a while so that we are not really saying goodbye to The Turner family. They are going back to America for Christmas and if they can squeeze Spook in, they may drop him off at the airport just to make sure he gets there. I'm not sure that this much comfort, nor indeed fine Pinot Noir, was part of the bargain.
Meg is tired from a full week of work after school. She and I both have a full day of work tomorrow. I still think her day will be a little more pleasant than mine.
Finn had to take his homework to school today. He had to show he could fix a puncture. He had his dad give him a lesson on Wednesday night. John turned up on the way to school with a large roll of coloured paper in his bag. He saw Finn with the bicycle tyre he was planning to take to school and all but scoffed 'everyone will have one of those'. Finn came home with top marks, having aptly demonstrated the removal of the tube and what to do once you had removed it and how to put it back together again. John and Sam got very good marks too, but not the top marks. Sam's dad, Steve, said 'all you really need is a map of how to get to the bike shop, son - that's where I usually take it', but knew that wouldn't be good enough, so had to figure out how to fix a puncture himself, so that he could teach his son. Sam and John are usually the top mark kids, so it was a triumphant Finn that I met at Sams house tonight. All present were kind enought to join him in his celebration.
The snowboarding has improved, despite me falling on the link road on the way to the main slopes. What had been lovely soft snow had become sugar on top and rock solid beneath. My knees took a nasty bang when I tripped over my board and we both spent the rest of the day making sure we didn't fall over, as it was pretty unforgiving. The boarding itself was fun, if it wasn't for the fear factor.
grateful for:
spontaneous nights out.
Thursday, 20 August 2009
A Wolf Man in the Making
They had a lovely day today - I say they, meaning me. Yesterday, the manageress at work, gave Mary a big speil about how They' had not left any towels upstairs and, even worse, had rolled the towels downstairs in a totally random manner. We thought she must mean the American snowboarders who had just been living there, but actually she meant us, the cleaners. Mary said she should have known that was what she meant as she has been called 'they' for the last 5 years. I reckoned a wee bit of slack could have been allowed as I had spent a great deal of time under beds hauling out rubbish, on account of the snowboarders not having picked up a thing behind themselves for two weeks, and had pinged M&M's around the place, and Sarsha was off kitchen duties to give Mary's shoulder a break, and had forgotten the special towel folding secret.
We will not be inviting her who can only call us they, to our dancing party on Tuesday.
We did a wee bit of work this morning, and Spook did a 60km road cycle to use up a bit of energy before meeting me for lunch and an afternoon mountain bike ride out west of Wanaka. We found this tail bone that looked like a wolf. We need to have as many wee adventures as we can before our temporary parting.
Spook has had some more ideas on his accomodation and fancies living in his tent. Each campsite has a different ambience and he reckons he could live around the town for his 4 days on and live wherever he fancies on his 4 days off. I will be at home, living the life of the struggling single mother and he will be painting an image of a man living on the edge.............
grateful for:
Time with my husband before he goes ferral
Sarsha coming round and cutting my hair
Tuesday, 18 August 2009
Sunset Spook
Meg hated me taking a picture of her cleaning the floor of her pretty little kitchen, so I had to wait until she had finished. The wide road and mountains was taken at 3.15pm just before I drove past the school, which is out of sight down the road a wee bit.
Calm before the Storm?
Rumour has it we are to get a cyclone at the weekend. Hard to imagine at the moment. But if we don't get snow, the ski season will close early. There is also an increased danger of Avalanche just now and there have been 3 deaths from them this year. (None at Cardrona).
Finn is still fervently chasing his tolerance pay, for lack of other opportunities.
Meg is working extra this week to help Pip who is covering for Cathy, who is on holiday.
Spook went to work at 6am, came home at 6pm and went back to work again. There is little opportunity for photos other than sticking the camera out the window. I do take mine to work sometimes, thinking there will be an inspired moment, but it's heads down and on with it. Neither Mary or Sarsha are particularly well. Mary is suffering wear and tear from more cleaning than people are meant to do. The sale is looking good and she is loving her Propagation course with plans for the new 20 acres at home. Sarsha has been run down for a week and a half and just has to keep it going until she goes to Fiji in 3 weeks. They figure I have to get my work ethic up to speed before going home as I will need to work much harder there, so there is no sympathy for me.
It's cross country week at school, so the children have been in training and the final is on Thursday. Spook and I are both off, but have to go in disguise as Meg is forbidding us from being there.
I was asking Finn how his day is broken up. He reads after his Whanau (fano = Maori for family = registration, but has children from all age groups so that everyone knows a big variety of people, encouraging support in the school for younger kids). Then they do a bit of work, then they get some brain food and eat it while reading again (the teacher also has a snack and reads her book at the same time), then they do some more work, there are various breaks and lunch, and then more brain food later in the afternoon along with more reading. The children all seem to get through a lot of books. I asked him if his literacy class had helped his reading. He didn't know, but said that it was great to do your work in a class where others understood the struggle and never looked stunned at the stuff you didn't know.
Wimbeldon College is visiting today and there have been various sporting competitions between them. Mary left work early to go and see if her daughters netball team could beat 'The Poms'. Be good if Lochaber High School could come over!!
grateful for:
Sam Turner for introducing Finn to Robert Muchamore books - there are 10 in the series and he has almost finished the 2nd with the 3rd lined up waiting to go. He can't wait to find out who gets expelled next and who snogs who.
Monday, 17 August 2009
The Tui
Spring has sprung the grass has ris - I wonder what a Tui is?
- the children trying to buy back their tolerance pay
- the house that reminded Spook of ours
- where Lake Wanaka drains into the Upper Clutha, with Josh's old campsite just to the right of the outlet.
An all work and no play day, with me clocking a magnificent 7hrs of cleaning and Spook coming home for tea and back out to work. He has to go in at 6am tomorrow for tank cleaning.
Otherwise the day had very spring-like qualities again - dry, windless and tweeting birds. Always gives me that optimistic feeling that we get back home with a day like that.
Finn has stumbled upon the origins of the word 'nipple'. He has recognized a similarity in shape between the nipple and the mountain. Mt Everest is the biggest mountain in the world and is in Nepal. With his Dyslexic ear, he figures the words are probably spelt the same. A fine example of how his education is developing.
Spook and I still throwing ideas around with some creative plots for the evacuation!
grateful for:
That black and white bird that looks like a magpie, but I think is a Tui, and has a beautiful voice.