We had a lovely morning at the beach (Rabbit ISLAND) while spook went for a cycle. The pictures show the group in the water which even includes me in bra and knickers because I couldn't resist. As the wet suit picture showed a while ago, I don't really do water, but the surf and the temperatures were too much for me. I'm better when it's not boiling hot and the contrast of hot body and cool water isn't too extreme. This was really gorgeous. Once my own children recovered from the shock of knickers on show, they were delighted to have me in there with them.. Next picture is 1. Hamish 2. Shannon and Hector 3. Cameron 4. Jessica-
anne 5. The boys with Hector 6. The girls with Jessica-Anne.
spook joined us just as everyone was leaving but I had to go back in with him - must be the gluten-free change of personality!!
We will meet Marion, Glen and the children for lunch tomorrow after the Market etc and Spook is going for a run with Marion which I MIGHT join them on if it looks feasible. Roddy will not join us til tomorrow night as he has Possums coming out his ears and wont get cleared until later in the afternoon.
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