I got up early for a cycle with Marion and some girls, which became a later 9am cycle with a few more and some boys as well. This really was a cycle that Spook should have been on. It was a long cycle uphill, but that was fine. It was the long scramble back down the single track running beside my bike, trying to find all the trail riders and not let them down too much that was a little wearing. Gluten-free doth not a downhiller make. Spook is going to meet Marion and do it tomorrow. I'm sure he'll have a lovely time!
The girls took Hamish to Hockey and checked out the other recycling centre but it didn't match up to Megs standards. spook did a road cycle and Roddy took Cam and Finn to the Hungarian Archer for a 3hr lesson which cost $15. Cam will eventually work up to riding a horse fast and firing the arrows at the target!!! I will have pictures of the non-horse archery lesson tomorrow, once Roddy works out how to get them out his camera.
Then we all headed up to Aniseed Valley to the wee park there to meet Marion and family and have our tea. We were there about 3.45pm and only Cam and
Finn would brave the water. Roddy hadn't met Marion and Glen before, but shooting and fishing featured large in the conversation with a diving and fish spearing trip being planned by Roddy and Glen, over the bbq. Robbi had put a great spread together and we had a mean game of rounders to finish. We headed home just as the sun was setting over the hill.
These bbq's are all over NZ at picnic areas. Some with gas, some for wood burning. Spottlessly clean and gas always supplied!!!
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