Thursday, 21 January 2010

Mid week Blog.

Spook and I had to go to town 1st thing this morning and I was looking forward to coffee with him. It has become a very busy week again and we haven't seen much of each other. I took him to a coffee shop he had never been to, which he always made a bit of a fuss about. He declared that he never wanted to go there again, it had ruined his day and he was now depressed. The High Street alone was depressing, without the dour waitress and poor coffee.
There was a race around the croft last night, which neither of us had much to do with as I was on a sleepover at work and Spook had to go to a crofting meeting. Between 20 and 30 people turned up to ride around in the mud on a cold night and seemed to have a good time!
I declared myself to be gluten free once more and managed 36 hours before a chocolate croissant got me this morning. It is quite hard to find things to eat, so I will lose weight by default, unless I can get a bit more organised. These urges to cure tiredness and bloating (you wanted to know that, right?) are a little compulsive......
The Kiwi's have woken up from their summer holidays and are back in touch after quite a quiet period. I have been too busy to write, and my main informant of life down South has been sitting next to me. It has been so good to feel connected again, though if young John doesn't get to grips with the time difference, I will need to disconnect the phone.
Photo's of big sky's and big moutains do bring a bit of nostalgia, along with a determination to get back to see them, and the people who nestle within.
There is a social muddle to be got through here, meantime. Both children want to go to their cousins birthday party, but Finn also wants to go the Burns Supper and Meg has a very close friends party the same night. I have a 50th party to go to and an invite to join friends at a fiddle and clarsach night, which I really fancy as it combines Scotland and New York and a bit of jazz. I'm wondering if I can do both. I also have to work for the bulk of the weekend which means I will miss the next race. It includes a junior race too, which will be interesting as our children are likely to have melted into an over socialized blob by then.

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