Saturday, 10 October 2009


DEAR SPOOK just read all your great e-mails and not got time to answer them, or anyone elses. Passing through Frazer's house on the way to Relelntless. The carpark is filling up with relaxed and enthusiastic looking fit people. There is a very happy team from Istanbul, who have come specially for the event. I have got my place at the top of the forest above the firebreak and have only got Dougie Mclean and Jim Hunter to sing their way through the forest. Jamie will supply louder and more rocky stuff down at the 'hole in the wall'. There is a nice atmosphere and dry, clearing weather - the No Fuss magic.
Can you e-mail David and ask him to send my old phone to me? We should be up and running by the end of next week in all departments, hopefully. So glad you had a great night with the Turners and slept in Finn's old bed. I miss you terribly but like it that you are still flying the flag. I am happy to get life back in order, with the help of family and friends, and to know that there is still fun to be had in Wanaka. That you should already have saved so much money and still had fun, does make me wonder what I spent all your money on?????
Will be in touch once Relentless has relented.

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