Thursday, 15 January 2009

Beans meanz Watties

Word on the street is that we are moving to a new street. The new family has not paid the deposit yet, but the rent lady thinks we are fine to move on. So Meg, Finn and I spent the day cleaning and making the new place our own. Spook worked from 6.15am to 7.50pm. He needs to be at work for 5am tomorrow. I really don't need a job, as he does more than enough for both of us. He is looking forward to taking me North and putting me on a plane - I think that's because he get's a holiday out of it, but it's possible he may move all our things back to the good shower house as soon as I'm out of the way.

The children love moving house. It's a very Kiwi thing to do. They get bored and move on. It's so different from us. We would never have left Fort William without this offer coming along, and I can't imagine any of our friends nipping down to live in Glasgow for a wee change.

I have pinned the beans to some wood work at the our new abode, and will have to see what a couple of days sunshine can do. They don't look too perky. (Finn can't see the point in the beans unless the tomatoes are to make into a sauce. There's only Watties beans here, no Heinz). The tomatoes didn't like the move iether, but only one tomato fell off. Between Spook and the produce, it's all the children and I can do to keep up the enthusiam! (Actually, nothing could dampen the childrens enthusiasm for this house).

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