As soon as the children completed the health and safety aspect of the race and deemed it safe to go ahead, the adults donned their sensible attire and took to the waters. It was an exciting day, full of fun, fear and endorphins. 2 stag parties and many other brave souls tackled the River Nevis in spate. The power of nature was awe-inspiring and the 6 children who did the safety check have a new respect for Mother Nature. Not one of those children would consider getting in that river again without full adult support and every bouyancy aid available! If indeed they would actually go back in.
It was a very busy week after Finn and I's quiet weekend. We had great fun being 13yr olds together, but he took a big exception to me turning back into his mother and insisting he eat his veg once the weekend was over.
The Guru came to stay with her husband and 3 children, which includes my Fairy God Son. He is so called because I am not allowed a Godchild, but am allowed to be a Fairy Godmother. The whole family became embroiled in the preparations for the River Race (thanks for the photo's Mel and sorry we put all your children down The Gurgle Section.) I'm not really sure how I would have managed my part without them.
Andy McCandlish provided the photo's of the actual race day.
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