It was a busy week - the spring cleaning continued throughout every spare hour I had. Spook had 3 days back at the Poo Factory which is a major diversification for No Fuss. He went in to help them out and did so under the banner of No Fuss Waste Water Solutions! He went to Aviemore for the last 2 days of the working week, on a course to get the first part of his MTB guiding ticket. It was a very long but enjoyeable two days and was interspersed with time spent under the caravan fixing burst pipes. There were some nervous moments when I was thinking I had spent the week cleaning the wrong caravan and was going to have to get started on the other one.
I also got fairly physical. This was more to do with the unfortunate locking of the car keys inside the landrover, than with any timely training effort. The keys got locked inside on Tuesday (no idea how THAT could have happened), the rain came, and having taken eveything out of the caravan, I had to spend a lot of time running up and down the road with curtains and bedding inside bin bags to keep them dry, when normally I would have driven it all down in one load.
There is a collection of 'possibles' round the back, outside the shed. The green vehicle was put asided in favour of the red one being a better contender for a succesful MOT. The red one needs a bit of welding done and getting gas, welder and vehicle all in the one place has proved problematic. The motorbike was then considered as the next contender, but you need a vehicle to transport that to the MOT station. The trike, which is up-ended in the picture has obviously had the once over and been rejected. The good news is that the tractor works and the bad news is that Meg does not wish to be transported anywhere in it.
The other good news is that my parents are bringing the spare keys for the landrover today.
Spook has been grumbling about buying something that actually works and spotted a Leyland Daf van down the road for sale. Meg said she would rather be driven around in our red scabby van (there wasn't a hope of her getting inside it the last time it was discussed), than THAT thing down the road!
So I have been cycling to work and looking very fetching in Lidl's motorbike all-in-one Andy Pandy suit, Meg has managed the last day of the season (or so it looks) up at Nevis Range, Finn has had a weekend of rugby and Spook got a spin around Aviemore - at least I don't feel so left out.
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