I got a picture from Robbi's camera of the moment Finn got his 3 points at the game. They always gather around the coach after the match and they are always hopeful. You can see his pleasure!
All the Sinclair children became snowboarders today. I think all the practice last night must have paid off as after shaky starts, they were off and boarding. It was very gratifying to see (if a little embarrasing after the many years that I have been struggling along with it). The conditions were perfect. Warm, no breeze, and a great beginners slope. They didn't have passes for any further than that and are all bruised enough to want to let them heal before taking to the Rainbow Slopes up near Nelson, later in the season. Meg decided to hire some skis to see if she could still do it and they felt like familiar old friends on her feet. She was really chuffed with it. So after all the frantic purchasing of boards and boots, we may all ski as a family on Sunday, if the weather holds as good as this. It would be nice to do that together. Just perfect slopes for building confidence. And with Sunday being the last day of the holidays, people from further afield will probably be away home, and it will be quiet again.
I have to work for a wee while tomorrow and then I think we are going over to Queenstown as The Sinclairs haven't been.
grateful for;
Beautiful weather,
great start for kids and the sense of satisfaction they got today.
A house full of children who all get on very well together.
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