Do they look guilty? Do they? That's because they are. Guilty and overwieght. We, on the other hand, are becoming skinnier by the minute. I say minute, rather than day, as that seems an appropriate rate.
It's been a hectic time. Meg has the main responsibility for looking after the boys and does a great job of feeding, walking and brushing them. It's not exactly relaxing as they are constantly kept in check and Finn and I are twitchy as commands of 'sit', 'stay', 'NO' are issued with alarming regularity and we have to be sure they are not for us.

It has taken the pressure off US a bit, but there are still issues to be dealt with.
I made home made bread on Saturday, to go with the home made jam that no-one will eat. Finn says it's too sweet, Meg worries about caterillars, and Spook says there was no nice bread to eat it with. The bread looked beautiful, sitting on it's cooling rack, as I nipped out to take Meg to a friends house. Meanwhile, Spook called in and ate the left over pizza (also home made, as one half of a day off turned me into a temporary earth mother type). He was amazed that the dogs hadn't eaten it. By the time I got back, Spook was gone, but had phoned me to say the pizza was excellent. There was no sign of the bread, but the rack seemed undisturbed and there was no evidence of distruction, so I figured Spook had tucked it away somewhere safe. I phoned him to find out where he had stashed it, and he didn't know anything about it. So it was tucked away inside the dogs, which explained why they hadn't eaten the pizza. One of them must have gripped the loaf carefully in his teeth so as not to knock anything over and they had both hoovered up the crumbs to hide the evidence. On careful inspection of the green blanket, there were little flecks of my beautiful loaf stuck in the fibres. It was almost the perfect crime.
Spook got up early this morning and was gone before the rest of us could prise our eyes open. Meg couldn't find the brioche, of which there were two packets as it was a buy one, get one free deal. We found two empty packets in the bin. Finn found the yellow plastic tag under the blanket. We didn't think the dogs would have managed to put the bags in the bin, so guessed that Spook must have cleaned up after the midnight feast.
We digested the disappointment, if little else, and I went to make the packed lunch. Although a chaotic day yesterday, I had managed to buy some fresh rolls for the job. There was no sign of these iether, and further raking through the bin uncovered that packet too. The children were delighted to head off to school with money in their pocket for the delights that the 'icy van' could yield. So excited, that Finn forgot his P.E kit. I jumped on the bike and rushed it over just before school started and left it in the office. By the time I got back, there was an empty packet of cinnamon and raisin bagels on the blanket - slightly pushed under, but by now the dogs were so full on carbs, they were getting sloppy. Thankfully, the bagels were also part of the buy one, get one free deal, so there is still something left to eat. I know it's looking like I am not learning from lessons. but the bagels were in a closed bread bin. A nose had slid it open. The brioche and rolls were on top of the bin and tucked in the side at the back of the counter. I guess one success has spurred the dogs onto others. The military training at the hands of their master has not carried on into civvie life - depsite Megs attempts. It will be back to boot camp for them once their dad has had his holiday.