Wednesday, 31 December 2008
Baseball bats at Dawn
A Guid New Year to All
Happy Hogmany
Tuesday, 30 December 2008
You go faster with a determined look.
Monday, 29 December 2008
Ibeza of the Southern Hemisphere
And the party animals seem to be all around our quiet glade. I think we will have to batton down the hatches and wait til it all passes. Feeling very middle-aged, but needing to combat it. Have sorted through some music and have found a Strip The Willow and a Canadian Barn Dance and will clear the room on Hogmany (or Mahogany, as BJ calls it). I'll need to get the whisky in. I think we could beat them at their own game yet.
Tomorrow Spook and I are going to take the opportunity of having The Sinclairs here, and do a bike race together at Bannockburn. As usual, shockingly untrained, but may as well give it a shot.
Sunday, 28 December 2008
11 down to 9
Joe and Liam headed North to Christchurch today, on the 1st leg of their journey to the North Island. We discovered the only thing Joe wears that are not sponsored are his undies, so we decided that we could sponsor him in that department. (Having hung up his smalls on a couple of occasions, I wondered if he had been Down-hilling on his butt). We hope they are a safe, but fast pair. We furnished Liam with some nut-free chocolate spread as I felt he was missing out on something nice in life due to an inconvenient allergy. We will miss them, and look forward to seeing them next year.
I went for a run round Mt Iron for the 1st time in about 3 weeks. It is not wise to leave it so long as it was hard work, even without the turkey and christmas pudding!
We all walked round together later in the day.
Having been used to 11 in the household, we invited over Spooks colleague, who is here to support him at the plant, just to fill up a bit of the space at the dinner table.
Saturday, 27 December 2008
Munro's against Sinclairs
Spook and Hamish against Roddy and I. We managed to win without actually scoring any points, which was really funny. I perfected the 'Ready' postion and looked the part whilst missing anything they managed to get back over the net. Hamish is very good but was serioulsy disadvantaged by Spooks Shinty whack and the mobile phone which kept ringing with poo issues. Cameron and Roddy then played Spook and Finn with the Munros just coming out on top. Hamish meanwhile shot aces past me endlessly and I occassionally returned a few shots when my raquet got in the way of the ball by mistake. We both laughed a lot and it was fun enjoying his company as an adult, and having such a different relationship from what we had when he was an 8yr old, 5 years ago. He balanced the Munro win with a Sinclair massacre.
After dinner, the mixed batch of a household, which still includes Joe and Liam, watched a movie and I brushed Shannons tangled hair which hasn't been cut since she left Braeroy as a 3 year old. It took the whole movie to do it. When we were finished, I held up the ends of hair and said, "That's the same bits we knew in Scotland!"
Friday, 26 December 2008
Boxing Day
At mid-day, as I was relaxing in the warm, drying sunshine, Robbi said, "So what time are you watering the tunnels?" I grabbed her and threw her in the car, petrified that the wonderful, trusting neighbours would turn up and discover that my niceness is just a front! If Robbi hadn't reminded me, I WOULD have remembered, but it would likely have been at 3am and I would have been out there with a head torch. Which would have been too late, as Pat and Kieth checked the tunnels on their way home and she phoned to say how delighted she was and what a good job we'd done of it. To think that 3 months of neighbourly nurturing nearly dried up in the sun. I will keep post-its by the bed from now on.
Thursday, 25 December 2008
Merry Christmas
Wednesday, 24 December 2008
Christmas Eve
The Sinclairs arrived and 5 years just disappeared. We had been invited for nibbles at the neighbours (not ones that we knew) so went over with Robbi and Roddy, leaving Joe and Liam child-minding. Robbi and I came home when we noticed the boys had driven off, and we thought maybe the children were fighting, but turned out they had taken the boys to the dirt jumps. Happy boys.
Robbi and I checked out Joe and Liams new acommodation at Dr Susies, as she had said that she was off surfing, her door was open and the boys could have the spare room. So nice that they wont be sleeping on the floor - especially as Meg moved all the christmas presents onto their spot the minute they left the last time.
Cant believe it's Christmas Eve. Hamish says it hasn't really felt like Christmas since they left Scotland. I'm glad it's not just me that thinks that. The children have all gelled reallly well and are very contented.
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
To Rose of Sharon (Shaeron)
As I wipe away tears.
I see you stand on the table
And tell us we're able.
"You can all make a difference.
So, just choose your distance."
May the strength that you give
To those who still live,
Help keep them warm
As they come through the storm,
Because out of the gloom
There's this bright golden bloom
Of a Rose,
With no thorn.
Monday, 22 December 2008
Happy Birthday
Unfortunately Robbi and Roddy have managed to get within 100km of us, having travelled 700. But Robbi has a miserable migraine and they have had to stop for the night. They will be a lovely Christmas Eve gift when they get here.
We said good bye to The Gibsons today and went over the hill with Michaela and Max. It was right back into the comfort zone for Finn. I think, probably the first signs of being genuinely and happily engrossed in his life here. As a foursome, they were great together, and there wasn't a cross word between any of them. They did some christmas shopping and then have been up and down to the lakeside since we got home.
While they were wandering around Queenstown together, I bought The Otago Daily news and found a cafe offering a coffee and muffin for £2. Called McCafe! I settled down to read the paper. I always like to see if Wanaka features in The Regions and sure enough, the main picture featured some people at the Wharf on Lake Wanaka. It was an article about how we have had the highest rainfall in December since 1999. The people on the Wharf were, Kier Gibson, Max, Finn and myself. Meg tells me that her leg is in the picture. I start to wonder how small this town really is!!!!
And as we all enjoy this lovely life, Spook clocked up a 13 hour day at his post today. When we leave here, I expect nothing less than a statue of Spook by Lake Wanaka, clutching a plunger. Similar to the nice one of Mr Rees in Queenstown with his sheep.
Barbies, toe-dipping and fresh snow.
Sunday, 21 December 2008
The South Highlands
So it's feeling good to have Joe and Liam becoming part of the house-hold. Last night I tucked Meg into bed and she said she missed Finn being in the room, but it was ok because the boys were next door. We were all just about ready to fall asleep when a yowling started up outside. I recognised it straight away as cats squaring up to each other, but it's a pretty ghostly sound. We heard the boys moving around upstairs and it wasn't long before Meg came down and jumped into bed with us. ~She thought it was a baby crying. I told her what it was. Upstairs we heard the boys balcony door open, and then this tender voice (Liam) call out into the dark night "Are you alright?" Spook and I started giggling, and Meg ran up to tell them what it was. She found the boys fully dressed and about to go out and rescue what/whoever it was. They were quite relieved not to be caring for abandoned babies, but I loved it that they were heroic enough to try.
Karen and Dougie arrived this afternoon en famille. The boys went down to the lake to swim with the children after tea, along with Megs friend Michaela. Finn has still refused to come home, but I'll go and get him and Max tomorrow morning and we will all go out and have an adventure. (without Spook who has been dealing with big pooy issues all day, but has still managed to find time to go to the pub with Dougie). A re-arrangement of bedding has moved the boys to the living room and put Dougie and Karen in the balcony room, where we can rest-assured that, should the cats come back, Dougie will have a different method of dealing with them.
Saturday, 20 December 2008
Spook came in from a late visit to the poo works and says there is fresh snow on the hill. Tomorrow is the longest day!!!! Reports say 25 degrees tomorrow. I may have cabin fever if I do another day of fireside and TV.
The Gibson/McInnes's are coming tomorrow for a sleep-over.
I am going to put my electric balnket on.
Friday, 19 December 2008
Scots Wha Hae!
The children were just as excited as us and Meg's sentences even went down at the end a few times. It must be pretty tiring for them too, when everything and everyone is new. hurrah for The Gibson/McInnes's
Thursday, 18 December 2008
A Terrible Thing Happened
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
Sunshine and woes.
The rest of the family went for a fairly disasterous game of tennis. Think we were all tired and too long since I've had a lesson (always rains on my day). We did have fun watching Finn on the 'pump' circuit. The wee bike is bizarrely giving him confidence to go up and stand his ground, even when there are big guys up there.
Huge set back for me when I called in to see what hours might be forth coming at the school in February, to be told that her budget has changed and there will be no hours for me, but she has me on her register. The wind went right out my sails and I dragged my teddy home. I followed this upset by parking beautifully (parallel parked) outside the paper shop, in a 30 minute waiting zone. 5 minutes later I found a man sticking a parking ticket on my window. I was facing up the wrong way. You are not allowed to cross the road. You can only park in the direction your are facing. The English girl that I paid my fine to me, told me that this also applies to parking outside my house. $40 fine.
Sun was shinning. Joe and Liam gone to Queenstown to hang out with Dudes.
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
The builders clean finished today and I'm now on an extended holiday until the 40,000 start to leave and give me a bit of cleaning up to do. I'm fine with that. I'm delighted I'll be able to spend the time with the children.
Tonight we all went out to see the Bond movie at the Cinema Paradiso. Joe and Liam had thought it might have ambience but be of poor picture/sound quality. I'd forgotten how good it was! Quality all around and the folks having their coffee orders and pizzas brought to their seats, is always going to be a surprise in any cinema. I didn't mind coming out into the darkness and the warm rain. Do hope it clears up for the boys tomorrow.
Monday, 15 December 2008
Time to Move on
Joe and Liam are here from Fort William on their 3 month tour of NZ. It's been nice to see them and Finns done a wee bit hanging out, man.
Sunday, 14 December 2008
A warming day
Friday, 12 December 2008
Tri man nearly drowns but duathlete a star.
Sounds in the Night
Triathlons for everyone
Meg had her last day of school today. Lots of tears as Kate and Ebony, whom she walks to school with most days, are leaving to go elsewhere. In order to celebrate/commiserate this sad situation, Meg has gone on a sleep-over. She needed a lift to this one and Finn needed a lift to football. All walking and cycling is now cancelled, it would seem, as we have a car.
Good news on the excercise front is that Spook will do his 1st Triathlon and I'm doing a duathlon tomorrow. No training has been done other than a walk to town for a Friday glass of wine and to meet Finn after football. Meg invited Finn to be part of her team in a Triathlon in Queenstown on Sunday. Vicky is swimming, Meg is cycling and they needed a runner. Finn reluctantly agreed and now discovers that his mates have a team in and he is horrified to think they'll give him a showing up. Finn will just have to run faster and prove otherwise. Spook and I should be able to go down and support them.
Hair cut - fairly short.
Tomatoes home and have nine lovely plants potted up and lined up outside the house. Also some runner beans and some basil mint - whatever that is. Things grow so well here, so will I get some tomatoes, I wonder. Just a few flowers at this stage.
Finn busy on his Christmas project. He has to do a presentation on a Scottish Christmas. So far, it would seem that we have Christmas in a castle and eat Haggis. He is to take in traditional food and asked me to make a haggis. Thankfully I found a tin of shortbread in Queenstown with a picture of Urquhart Castle and a box with Kilchurn Castle. That will save me gutting a sheep.
Thursday, 11 December 2008
Headache eased by early afternoon and I will be well enough to face appartment no 5 tomorrow.
The cleaning does get in the way of the social life. Tennis on hold, and See-amm's mum waiting for me to have a day off so we can go up Mount Roy. And my tomato plants come home tomorrow, having been carefully nurtured by Pat and Kieth who are waiting to get hold of me so that they can coach me on how to keep them alive, and hopefully yield some produce to go with my lettuce.
Hair cut time tomorrow for me, so that tells me we've been here a while now. Sometimes it feels very normal to be here and sometimes there is an over-whelming sense of being too far from home. I remember the excitement, very clearly, living in Inveroy as a tree planter. Work was really hard during the week, and at the weekend I'd suddenly get so excited to think that I actually LIVED in this place. I've never had that feeling here, and I don't expect to. This is the adventure, but Lochaber is the life.
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
Dancing Queen
2 hours of Never Never Land and it was fantastic. Even Spook loved it!!!!!!!! His emotional block on stage musicals may have lifted. Finn's class were tree people and they did a long dance at which they were all foot perfect. They looked like they were really enjoying it. There have been days of rehearsals and it paid off. Next stop for Finn has to be the Haka.
Last performance tomorrow night and I'll be taking Finn and See-am out for a drink to celebrate afterwards.
Spook back to swot up on his knowledge of the plant workings. Cant quite imagine him sitting in the Council Chambers, being the main focus of attention. Not what he was expecting, but everyone else is out of town. Maybe he should wear his kilt for confidence.
Monday, 8 December 2008
Just like Home
Despite fast developing housemaids knee, and Spook working a lot of hours in the name of poo, it still feels like a holiday when we all get in the car and go somewhere together. Still cant get used to being free everynight.
Pete was glad to hear that Spook is negotiating to buy a car - a Suberu Legacy. This reassures him that he might stay. He took a big risk pushing to get Spook over here, and he needs him to stay for the two years. But he's still panicking about all the women who give up and want to go home. He says that a colleague who was working on the project for a year came with his partner and she couldn't find a job the whole time she was here. Obviously never ran the guantlet of the two lovely ladies in the Job Agency! I tell Mary that she rescued me from the dog pound, and I'm still wagging my tail and being faithful. Will be buying knee pads tomorrow, mind you.
Meanwhile, have put my electric blanket on, and would be lighting the wood-burning stove if we had one. Like that cosy feeling. I'm sure it wont last though and suspect that the sun will shine again tomorrow.
Sunday, 7 December 2008
Separate Sundays
Meg went off to see Kate (who I thought was leaving to Dunedien a week after week got here, but it's not til January). Kate jumped out a plane yesterday and unfortunatley we missed the call to go and witness it as we were out. I cant imagine standing watching my wee girl fall out a plane way up in the sky. NO WAY.
I went for a cycle with Michaela and Max's Mum Kate, round to Dublin Bay. She and her colleagues are entered into a small duathlon next Sunday, so she wanted a wee training run. I might do that and leave Spook to his own sprint triathlon on the same day. Ollie is thinking of doing that too, and his wife the duathlon. The small town feel is developing as we begin to meet the same people at events...just like home!
Friday, 5 December 2008
Happy Saturday
Happy Friday
Not so good for Spook who's still at work, nipped home for a quick bite to eat and expects to finish at 11pm. New poo spinner been put in at work today and has to be run for 4 hours to test it. Fitter wishing to be on the 10am plane out of Queenstown tomorrow. Got his schedule a bit wrong today, so hence the late night.
Meg staying home this weekend, but has Smithy staying over to wean her back into a weekend at home. She has her hair cut short and Finn will be under the knife tomorrow.
Thursday, 4 December 2008
Southern Summer
Weather is still a little cool, (14 degrees) and the lake is very high. The creek that runs through the town and down our road was in a muddy torrent. It's usually so clear, you can watch the trout basking in the sun.
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
Clean Christmas
Our local B&Q kinda shop, called Mitre 10 was open late tonight so we went to do a little Christmas shopping. Before you knew it there was a fibre optic Christmas tree in the living room. And it's only the 3rd of December. I've gone into shock. Maybe I'll get away with no tinsel.
While you are enjoying a lovely seasonal frost, we are anticipating 'a strong, moist nothwest airstream' bringing heavy rain. The children have managed back and forth from school so far with only one light dooking. The weather here seems to be changing over the years, though only about 50% of people think there's a global warming issue. Despite New Zealands fresh and healthy image, it's in the top 10 with it's carbon foot print.
This quiet wee town of about 6500 people is allegedly to swell to about 40,000 over Christmas and New Year. I do hope Mary doesn't want me to clean up after that lot.
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
Points of Interest
- 1st day of Spring is the 1st of September
- 1st day of Summer is 1st of December (this is note worthy to me as I had no idea where we were on the seasonal calendar).
- Meg's voice goes up at the end of every sentence and has done so since the first week of school. Her vowel sounds are still satisfyingly flat.
- Finn's hair is totally out of control. Will get cut at the weekend no matter what.
- It was stated in the 'Opinion' page of the daily paper that male violence stems from equality with woman gone too far. It is no wonder that men lash out when woman have taken their jobs.
- Ruby Island went on fire again at the weekend and we needn't have bothered pulling out all those Lupins and strimming for 3 hours.
- I cycled up to the Poo Factory today with Spooks mobile phone and can confirm that the poo smells exactly the same as Fort Williams.
- Yesterdays tennis serve was a fluke. I discovered today that I can't serve at all - unless you get 6 chances.
- Christmas decorations look silly in the warm sunshine.
Monday, 1 December 2008
Tennis, steak and poo.
Came home in time to have dinner with the family and Spooks workmate Dylan, who is here to commission the plant. He and Spook have been working closely and sharing some pretty nasty hands on work. He's an engineer employed to design it, not scrape poo off the sides of the machine., but they've impressed each other with their willingness to get on with it. A real nice guy and not just because he brought me a small bottle of Milford New Zealand Whisky.
Sunday, 30 November 2008
Meg came home long enough for us to take this picture of Tall Megan, Hannah (Smithy) our Megan and Michaela.
Saturday, 29 November 2008
Good News
Friday, 28 November 2008
The Camera Lies
On the plus side, we met his running pal Janet, and her husband Ollie (he was 40 minutes quicker) and
Finn was eagerly awaiting his fathers arrival as we were not eating until he got there. Every cyclist over the hill he would say 'That's him'. He did this for over an hour. Eventually he said 'I have no father - I'm so ashamed'.
I exchanged numbers with one of my waitressing buddies from the Best of Xmas show, who did the race in 5hrs 10mins. She works in Rehabilitation and is interested in my background and possible work with people who have suffered brain injuries. Would have to be a great job to win me away from cleaning with Mary. Would the coffee be any good?
A Fine Week
Spook had an excellent training week, coming in at 3am. This made for a very pleasant and relaxed day today, which included breakfast on the airport patio. He's having an evening of rest now, to prepare himself for the event tomorrow.
I've had a wonderful week of eventful cleaning, from a wee brown batch (holiday home), to a rambling farmstead with 7 large bedrooms + insuites, a lap pool, gym, outdoor pool and spa, tennis courts (didn't have to vacuum those, thank goodness), and lot's in between. Mary supplied Julia and I with coffee at crucial moments and we all had a really entertaining week.
Finn has enjoyed a balance of friendship and home and some very nice peace and quiet as an only child. This state continues, as despite being tired when she came home, and deciding not to go to Michaela's birthday sleepover tomorrow (why not have a birthday non-sleepover as a change?) she is now staying for 2 nights. The winning point from Michaela when we bumped into her and said she couldn't make it, was the promise of a tow round the lake in the float thing on the back of her Dad's boat. The choice between getting up early to go with us to Dad's event, or the boat, seemed to be quite an easy one for her. It was nice to see her anyway and we had a lovely wee trip down town for a milkshake sitting out in the sun and catching up.
Thursday, 27 November 2008
Training Night 2
Spook came home just in time for a shower and out for pre-dinner beer. I met lot's of the names I hear him speaking about, and dinner was on the Company. His immediate Boss, Steve, jumped out an aeroplane in his lunch break - they could see the wee figure falling through the air. $300 for 17 minutes. I got a years family tennis membership for less than that. I enjoyed a couple of drams and then brought my young and bored son home for bed. Spook still out training. Should do well in the apres race event on Saturday.
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
Training Night
They are taking a year out from a hectic life working in New York and living an hour outside it. They arrived in July and are set to leave in June. Steve invited us in for a beer. Spook was just having a quick one as he was going to get some more serious cycling in. After 2 hours, 4 beers and lot's of laughter (another American couple had called in), we thought we should get Finn home and fed. At this point Finn was just disappearing into the hot tub, so we agreed to go home and feed ourselves and then come back to take Finn home. I went back for him and got talking again, while Finn played snooker and table tennis in the games room. I got him home at 9.50pm,. having meant to get him home at 6pm. Spook didn't do any cycling, but did rise to the challenge of showing the Americans that he thought it probably WAS possible to cycle up that hill that they said was impossible. Sam lives in this house No wonder Finn didn't want to come home.
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Bleedin' Finn
I got Finn to buy two tickets for the school panto on Thursday at which I have volunteered to help with make-up, as a good way to get to know all his wee pals. I refused dinner with Pete and Boss-man Steve on account of this, and 2hrs of solid scrubbing earned enough money for the tickets - $15 each. I was out at an orientation evening tonight, for Finns year going to Mount Aspiring College and went along with his American pal See-am (Sam)'s Mum Shannon. She informs me that THEIR panto is not until the 11th of December. If I hadn't mentioned it to her, I would have painted 100 small faces from primary 3 and 4 and Spook would have sat through a whole performance by kids he's never heard of, and his work pals would be out having a lovely time without him. I'm not really sure where Finn would have been. He had said to me that he was a bit worried that he'd not seen the wee kids performances and didn't quite know how it was all going to fit together. Well's NOT going to fit together.
Spook has a cycling event on Saturday from Garston to Bannockburn through the Nevis Valley - a distance of 75km. It's called the Bannockburn Gutbuster. I assume it's in New Zealand.
Monday, 24 November 2008
Trouble Ahead
Knitting Skills Next
I reassured him that our neighbours would definately have some. He was surprised that I should choose Dr Suzy first, as he saw Coleen or Pat as more likely knitters. Suzy's partner, Whitney, is a Mountain Guide and Beech...well, skateboarding king of Wanaka. But I just thought, start at the top of the street and work our way down.
Whitney was in his shed and said no, he didn't knit. But........(result!)....Beech crochets!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Suzy appeared and said she'd go raid Beechs room. Whitney said they didn't know whether to be pleased or worried. It is not unusual to find a bunch of skateboarding teenagers sitting in the living room crocheting and discussing colours. And sure enough, pinned to Beechs bedroom wall, next to his extensive skateboard dude hat collection, was about 9 multi-coloured crochetted headbands. Finn's eyes were agog! It's enough to master the skateboard, build up the confidence to get down the park - but how on earth was he going to learn this new thing. He came home clutching a ball of white wool, with Suzy and I dragging over a long and far too high 'rail' for doing tricks and, Whitney carrying a ramp. Suzy said she'd see Finn in the plaster room at the surgery before too long. I suppose I'll need to rake through the dump for a crochet hook next.
Meg says things are calm at school and the hormonal wave is over. But a northerly flow has replaced it, sweeping humid subtropical air over us and giving us very heavy, rain with temperatures of about 65F. Must have been the change that caused all the girls to fall out. As long as the rain and the tempers are well cleared by Wednesday as Meg heads up Lake Hawea for 2 nights of camping and tramping.
Saturday, 22 November 2008
That's Ma Boy!
Bleedin' Eck
We gave in to the sleep-over thing when her friend Megan, a girl we really liked from last weeks group, asked her to stay. She lives on the nearest thing to a croft we've found and we had a cuppa with her Mum and Dad. They knew that our Meg had had a bit of hassle and I think that's why their Meg had asked her out. Our Meg reckons she can handle it with some honesty about wanting to see everyone, but with Camp coming up this week and 2 days in the middle of nowhere, it would be good to get it resolved. OOOooooooooooo girls!
Spook came to The Aspiring Runners with me as he'd done a hard cycle ride in the morning and was tired. Ran with Mary and Janet and enjoyed the chat. I puffed and panted about 500 yards behind, but consoled myself it was good for him to meet some women. There are quite a lot of women in his life at home and I wouldn't want to be the only one here representing the female species. He really enjoyed it. Which is more than can be said for me as I collapsed at his feet at the end of the run. Turns out Mary used to be in the British Orienteering Team.
Spook pondering going for a swim in Lake tomorrow as he heard on the run that the less elite of the swimmers are meeting at 9am tomorrow. I wonder what excuse he'll come up with this time....
Friday, 21 November 2008
Duck Poo
Art Therapy
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Dammit, I need that job!!!
Spook met an unusually open Kiwi who said that he'd brought his family to Wanaka for a better life, away from the Cities and the North Island. He asked Spook 'If I asked you out for a pint, would you come? And do you think we could chat about all sorts of things? And would that be satisfying enough for you - I mean, you wouldn't need to come round for coffee, or anything?'
Spook laughed and said yes, of course. The man said that his wife desperately looked for meaningful friendships with other woman immediately and when it didn't happen she became very unhappy. He was so busy working and building their dream house, he never noticed. She went back to the city and left him with the three children!
And Pete tells him of several stories when people gave up everything in Britain and went home after two weeks!!!! And it was always THE WOMEN.
Welcome to Paradise. For men.
Stepford Wife Life Over
Spook had his first tough day at work with Counsellors arriving and things not going to plan. Had to draw upon his 10 years experience to smooth (and clear) the waters and Pete (who offered him the job in March), really got to see why he's hired him!! A good friendship has developed there, I think.
Meg came home from school via the supermarket, having bought herself a savoury bun so that she wouldn't have to eat last nights catch.
Finn telling me about life in the playground where no-one tells tales. He said two girls skooshed him in the eye with water when he came out the class. He cornered them in the cloakroom and got them back. And when a girl has the ball, it's really easy to get it off her as you just run at her, growling, and she squeals and drops it. But then she's just as likely to slap him on the face with her flip-flop! He says it's great - he would never have got past the first skoosh without someone clyping. This is good living, by his way of it.
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
Not this Week
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
Racers Edge
Join the Club
Checked out flight prices home and will book something by the end of the week. (I'm coming home towards the end of January for two weeks to catch up with family - can't wait). 3 travel agents, all friendly people. I found my self darting sneakily between them to get comparative prices. Two are straight across the road from each other, so I told the first girl that I would need to check prices across the road too. She said (her sons in Meg's class), bring the quote back to me and I'll see if I can match it. And when the really nice girl across the road who happened to be called Megan, offered me a better deal I'm embarrassed to say that I went home and changed my clothes so that she wouldn't recognise me when I took her quote back to the first girl. Ran sweating back down the road and dived into the first shop, left her a copy to ponder and raced back up the road in time to get Finns skateboard to school for his lesson.
An elaborate display which demonstrates that I just need a job.
Monday, 17 November 2008
Queen Clean
However, no time for that as the lovely ladies at the job agency invited me to take on another cleaning job (3rd days work in 6 weeks, I really felt I had to say yes). So shower, pancake, banana, water, picked up the time sheet on the bike and was at the job (just out of town) within 30 mins of call. Immediately hit it off with the woman who has her own cleaning company, and had called the agency in desperation to get help today. She had already decided that if she didn't like what they sent THIS time, she was sending me straight back. Before I'd even started cleaning she'd offered me a job, working with her until mid January. I cautioned that she might want to see the results of my efforts. We identified with each other on a lot of levels - helped that we are the same age and have a similar out look.. Both of us as interested in each other and lot's to say. Decided that it was not the job, but who you work with that makes life good sometimes, and agreed to take it on. After seeing my superb cleaning prowess, she asked me if I'd be willing to supervise a team, eventually. Accepts that I need to be flexible over the holidays. She has 13 and 15 yr old children so understands. See! I CAN do it.
Topped off with Finn and I's tennis lessons tonight and my ladies are a great group. Margaret and I arranged to have a wee practice game tomorrow. Got to get that serve sorted.
Spook out cycling with Pete, the man who offered him the job in the first place, back in February.
Finn got invite to a football party on Saturday, he and a pal the only 2 boys invited! Interesting.
Everyone happy.
Saturday, 15 November 2008
Ruby Island
Dragged everybody out of bed this morning to go on a trip to clean up Ruby Island. I'd read it in The Messenger and thought it would be a nice family thing to do and wouldn't cost any money. Everyone was up for it and we deposited all the extra girls at their respective homes. It was dull and a bit damp, but not cold. It turned out to be a gardening trip which they do regularly to maintain the island with it's native species and root out all the aliens. Finn and Meg were fine for about half an hour as they had large cutting implements. Finn enjoyed cutting off the heads of everything within his reach, but did not like being directed into jaggy places for specific items. Meg kept telling him off for cutting things in an indiscriminate manner. Spook strimmed the island for 3 hours and I stayed well out of his way, pulling out Lupins and avoiding his eye. It was a long time before we got the promised sausage sizzle as payment. Finn found a sheltered spot out of the wind and Meg pulled her hood over her eyes in that 'don't talk to me' way that teenagers do.
Spook said it was the most community minded thing he's had to do since the Scouts. Finn and Meg have never stayed in Cubs or Brownies long enough to do anything community minded. Half of Fort William have come out and put the No Fuss tent up and down in a voluntary capacity, so I'm sure they'll be glad to know that Spook did his bit on the island. It's a tiny and pretty place, but it has to be said, we probably wont be back as volunteers (children and Spook ARE still talking to me, but only just,) and we don't actually have a boat, so should be able to stay clear.
Spook can choose next weeks family activity.
Friday, 14 November 2008
Tick tock
Finns social life continues to be quite quiet. He loves the social life at school, but doesn't seem to seek further friendship out of school. It was very breezy down the shore today so whilst Megs group turned up, there was no-one there that Finn knew. His group planned the trip in the heat of Friday, and Finn only went today as I went with him (after our little tennis game). Despite it being too cold for Finns friends, he swam and then melted into his bedroom in a sweaty mess, to emerge some time later with a blistered finger. He couldn't work out how it had happened until we'd explored all options and came up with a friction burn from rubbing the screen on his Nintendo DS too hard! He only wants to see Thomas out of school, but a few more friends might save the pads on his fingers.
Spook and he have gone fishing now and...........oh god, I can hear the girls coming back already. They're probably only half way up the street, but I can hear them.
I cycled round the loch to meet the Aspiring runners. Fantastic 20 minute cycle along the lakeside track, past patches of turquoise water and amazing houses. Mary (Forfar) turned up because she'd said she would, despite having a sore head, so that was sweet of her. We ran together (2 x 54yr old men today). She's 40 and arrived a year ago so we shared a lot of those 1st experiences. My feelings were tainted by my rasping lungs and aching legs, but Mary didn't seem to notice. It was just a wee 45 min jog for her. She exchanged numbers with me and seemed very genuine in her wish to meet up again.
(Meg has just confessed to me that she's tired. Putting a very brave face on it, but needing me to step in with a curfew reasonably early - it's going to be fun getting them all up and out so that the Munro family can go and help clean up Ruby Island tomorrow - one of the Aspiring Runners told me it was a good day out and a great way to meet people.)
'God, no!...I read your blog - I feel like I'm living with you!'.
So maybe I need to get out more and have less of the domestic stuff. But it's a really ordinary life. Except that it's hot. Finn came home in melt down from school. 29 degrees - and headed straight to join friends at the lake. Meg was in the lake after school yesterday. And Finn is going back at mid-day tomorrow. Problem is, that might be ALL they do. Meg scowled her way through golf and declared she wasn't going back. (none of her friends there). Neither went to football as it was too hot. Instead of wanting a lift because it's cold and wet, they want a lift because it's hot.
I made lovely date scones and no-one ate them because it was too hot and they don't like dates (so I ate them.)
Met a Scottish lady at the golf who's lived here for a year and they plan to commute to their farm in Forfar once a year. Her husband has gone home for 3 months to get the summer work done and then stays here the rest of the year. She goes home for 3 weeks in October.
Anyway, she's going to the Aspiring Runners tomorrow, so I might give it another shot - unless it's too hot.